Recognition at first sight

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The mc walked towards his job interviewers. A table separated him and the interviewer and he took a seat in front of them. The interviewers each had a pile of papers and flipped through them. As they did so, one of his interviewers glared at him, obviously not liking the mc. The mc was honestly only here since he had applied for a job as a doctor since he had already become a fully licensed doctor... in his previous life.

As the interviewers asked him questions, that one interview started complaining about the mc: correcting him when hadn't even made a mistake for some reason I don't know of.

The mc sighed, shaking his head. "It seems you've been having lung cancer for the past 6 months."

The interviewer paused ranting and stared at the mc in shock. "How did you know that?" he asked, clearly dumbfounded.

The mc let out a small chuckle. "Of course I know. I studied medicine. Specifically Chinese medicine (in my previous life)."

The interviewer smiled sarcastically then rested his hand on the table. He clapped his hands together, astonished by the mc's words.

"Stop all the other applicants. We already found who we need," the man said and the assistant, who's obviously a side character since he's never been noticed till now, stared at the interviewer in horror.

Nevertheless, he obeyed him, sending the other applicants back from whence they came. They happily accepted the main character even though he hadn't studied chinese medicine or shown them his medical degree (in this life).

After that, he got to work at a hospital but of course, there was always that rude doctor who would bash and mock the main character with any chance he got. But that all ended on the day a sick patient was rushed into the hospital. The rude doctor began to treat the patient who was now pale as the mc watched, shaking his head in disappointment. He pushed the rude doctor away and brought out some needles from who knows where and attended to the patient.

"You can't just do that! You don't even know what you're doing!" the rude doctor yelled as the main character ignored him, focusing on operating acupuncture. Years as a doctor in his previous life gave him enough knowledge on how to treat his patients.

After a minute or two, the mc stopped, the patient's pale skin returning back to its normal color. The doctor was shocked at the work he had done, and the whole time, he had thought he was just some fake. The wife of the patient rushed in, crying when she saw her husband back to his normal self.

"Are you the one who saved my husband?" she asked and the mc nodded in response. Tears streamed down her face as she held her husband's hand in hers. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"It was nothing. It's just part of my job," the mc said, being as humble as ever.

After some sappy moments, the mc left to attend to other patients, calling it a day once his shift had ended. During the evening, the main character got home to see his mom cooking a delicious dinner and his sister watching tv at home. A few minutes after his sister rambles on about how his work is keeping him away from her, his mom called him over and he went to her. As she cooked, she told the mc that she was cooking his favourite dish, thinking that he had a rough day at work. The mc smiled at his mother, happy that he had a family who loved and cherished him.

They ate happily and soon called it a night, the mc feeling happy and falling asleep, a smile written on his face. He knew his future would be bright. He would get recognized, protect and take care of his family well (with care and money of course), meet higher ups who will favor and recognize his talent... get some waifus (at least 3) and have good things come his way. With those thoughts, he fell asleep, knowing all will end well.


This story was more like a summary and since most manhuas (Chinese comics) have more than 100 chapters and are mostly bad, I never finished them. The ending I made would probably be around the 100th chapter of the manhua and the plot would've already gotten boring. So, if you don't understand the concept of this cliche, it is that the mc in manhuas (in the modern era and yeah. They are never females mcs) who are doctors, are able to know a cure to anything, even though it is straight up impossible. Sometimes, just by seeing the person, they can tell what the illness and everyone in the comic is like 'wow!' and readers are wondering most of time, how that is even possible. It is also a must that they know how to treat their patients with acupuncture for some reason. It's mostly the same type of story over and over again but I hope I made it a bit more interesting than most manhuas (They mostly suck). That's all I have to say so hope you enjoyed reading this and have a great day.


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