Christmas special

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I'm Rachel and I have worked in the big city for 7 years. I'm visiting my parents for Christmas for the first time in... 7 years? I could have visited them during the previous holidays but who cares anyway? Do I have a boyfriend you ask? No. Ever since I broke up with my workaholic boyfriend who I will never mention again, I've focused on my work as a business woman doing business things.

My parents' house is located in my quaint hometown with the most ridiculous name no one knows. I pack my things like a normal citizen and head for an airport in the big city I live in (probably New York or Chicago).

On the plane going there, I contemplate on leaving my habits of lingering on the past. Then I remember it has been years since I visited the town and decide on doing so.

As I find my way to my parents' place, I accidentally bump into a random guy on the way. I look up to see my high school sweetheart Jake? He looks grown up and... hot. His black hair which is nicely brushed back except for his fringe makes him gorgeous to the eyes of lowly mortals.

"Long time no see Jake Elias Carter," I say as Jake helps me up from the ground.

"Wasn't expecting you back here Rachel Aiden Floria. Didn't you say this place was a little too small for your dreams?" Jake points out as I dust the dirt off my clothes.

"Same old Jake. Haven't seen each other since our relationship went astray."

"Classic Rachel. Lingering on the past instead of focusing on the future," Jake counters and I remember what I had contemplated on the plane.

Jake then tells me he is heading somewhere and we say our goodbyes. Once I get home, I'm greeted with love and settle in quickly.

I go help my parents at their bakery. They give me the task of being the cashier since I, of course, haven't baked in a long time because I worked as a successful businesswoman doing business things.

I hear the bell of the bakery ring and someone walks in. It turns out to be... Jake?

"You again? Are you just everywhere in this small little sleepy little town?" Jake questions with a dashing grin. He gives me some cakes and I package them into a paper box for him.

"Am I at the bakery my parents own?", I ask before letting out a chuckle: holding out the box of cakes to him. "You're learning I have a sweet side to me. Grandma's recipe."

He collects it from me, a smile written on his face.

"Honestly, I misjudged you at the start... and you annoy me," I confess before leaving to somewhere that won't be mentioned.

For the next several days, we keep up the same routine. He comes to the store around the afternoon, buys some desserts before coming up to me to pay for them.

"Why don't you give me a discount? I'm a regular customer after all," he asks, his eyebrow raised.

"This is the part where I start to be interested in you but nice try," I confess, as I put his money in the cash register and pack the dessert in a bag: offering it to him when I'm done.

He collects it with a smile, before he leaves.

One day, I get home to see my parents sitting on our couch, looking deep in thought.

"Darling, will you sit down for a second?" My mom asks, her voice gentle and I do exactly as she says.

My parents hug me tightly, my mom caressing my hair in the process. "A company is planning on shutting down our bakery."

I was left with... a neutral feeling I guess? "Can't we just pay them enough money to prevent it?" I ask, hugging my parents back.

"But we can't," my dad explains. "We don't have enough money to prevent it".

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