Chapter 22 : Not talking

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Bloom's POV

I had spent the afternoon and evening with Sky and it was great just being us. We had a picnic close to the river so that we could see it but far enough away so if anyone wanted to swim we would get interrupted. He had walked me back to my suite and kissed me good night.

I fell asleep dreaming about him and woke up and remembered that my parents were fighting. I had promised that I would come back again today so I was going to.  I ate breakfast with the girls and then I did some homework with Musa and then we all ate lunch together.

I walked inside my house and to my uprise where there was quite a little too quiet.  "Hello," I called out and I heard someone come down the stairs "Hey sweetie." It was my Dad I walked over to him and hugged him and then I saw my Mom standing in the kitchen making a cake. I let go of my Dad and looked from my Dad to My Mom he saw my confusion and said "She is fine don't worry." I was going to worry because my Mom only bakes for two reasons one we are doing it together or she is mad or sad.

I walked into the kitchen and said hello to my Mom and then I jumped up onto the kitchen table and sat down. My Mom laughed at me and I saw my dad sitting in the door laughing at me too. My parents haven't even looked at each other the whole time so I decided to say something. "you too are acting like children ignoring each other and it is just making the other one even more sad." My mom placed the cake in the oven and looked at me and then she said "Sweetie we are going to be just fine. Anyone want a cup of tea while we wait for the cake to be done?" I looked at her a little annoyed that she just changed the subject like it didn't matter that they weren't talking. I looked at my Dad and then back at my Mom. "YOU GUYS AREN'T EVEN TALKING...HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DEFEND ROSALIND IF YOU CAN'T EVEN COMMUNICATE." They both looked at me in shock not expecting me to yell at them and then my Dad said "Don't yell at your mother." My mom looked at my Dad for the first time since I came today. "YEAH WELL, I will stop yelling when the two of you speak to each other." My Mom looked at me and moored and then she said that they would talk about everything later but I didn't believe her.

We sat in the living room all drinking tea and eating cake. I was the one who did most of the talking they just both listened to what I was saying.
I told them about me and Sky getting back together and how Riven and Musa are cute together. I also talked a little bit about class with Rosalind but I quickly changed the topic and talked about the girls and something fun Terra had said and how Aisha was in the middle of drinking a glass of water and laughed so much that it came out of her nose.

I had told my parents that I couldn't come back for a week or so because I didn't want Rosalind to know what was happening and find them. They agreed that it was a good idea to wait a little while before I came back. They also told me to be careful and then I walked through the forest and back to the school. Rosalind luckily wasn't anywhere to be seen so I just walked back to the suite. I walked in and saw Stella sitting on the couch and looking at her phone and then I said hey to her and walked into my room. I decided to take a shower before dinner and so I did. I walked into the sheard area and saw Stella and Beatrix talking on the couch. "Hey, have you guys eaten dinner yet?" They looked up at me and said in unison "No" and I laughed and so did they. "Should we go and eat together?" They both nodded and got up from the couch. We walked into the cafeteria and I got some spaghetti and so did Beatrix but Stella got a salad and then we walked over to a table and sat down. About five minutes later came Musa and sat down beside me. We all ate and talked. For a while and when we were done and about to get up Aisha and Terra sat down and began eating so we stayed and talked to them while they ate.

We all walked back towards the suite and Beatrix walked back to hers. We walked in and everyone walked their separate ways. I decided to read and Aisha decided to take a swim because she goes twice a day every day. Musa took a shower and Terra went to the greenhouse to get some plants and Stella went to bed. I closed the book after an hour and Aisha walked in as I walked out of the room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I brushed my teeth went to bed and lay in my bed looking at my phone for a little longer the expected it was almost 1 pm when I put my phone away and decided to sleep. I was the only one awake but I had to pee so I tiptoed out of my and Aisha's room and into the bathroom and then I tiptoed back into bed and hoped I didn't wake anyone up. I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling and thinking about my life at Alfea how I thought it would have been how it is now and everything Rosalind has put us through. I fell asleep after a while.

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