Chapter 27 : Happy

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Bloom's POV

I looked through my closet and I couldn't find anything that I wanted to wear. After I had placed everything on my bed I found a black tight dress and decided to wear that and just as Aisha and I looked at each other agreeing on the clothes the other one had chosen we heard Terra yell "Does anyone know how to do a good cateye?" We all laughed a little and walked into the bathroom to help her.

We walked into the restaurant where we were meeting everyone. Aisha walked first into the restaurant and I walked after her and Musa, Stella and Terra walked in after me. I spotted my parents Beatrix, Sky, and Riven and we walked over to them and sat down we were apparently the last ones to arrive. I sat down between Sky and Musa. After Musa sat riven and beside riven sat Terra even though Terra wasn't happy about it. Across from sky is my Mother sitting and beside her is my Dad sitting and beside my Dad is Stella and Beatrix is sitting after Stella and Aisha are sitting after Beatrix.

The waiters came and we all ordered our food and drinks. I ordered spaghetti carbonara and a diet coke and after the waitress had left everyone started talking about everything and nothing and I was talking with Musa, Sky and My mother about when the exams were going to be and if they were difficult. My Mom of course told us that they were going to be a little hard but she had no doubt that we will pass with flying colors.

We got our food and drinks and everyone started eating but there was small talk at the same time.
Me and Sky talked about his Dad and how he was on trial for everything he has helped Rosalind with and how Queen Luna wants us both to testify but we both said no. There is no way in hell that I am going to testify not even because it's the Queen who is asking.

I could hear my Dad tell a really bad joke. It was a really bad dad joke. He told it to Stella, Beatrix, Musa, and Riven and they all kinda laughed but I think it was just to be polite. I looked at my Mom and she had also shifted her attention to my Dad and his bad joke. My Mom looked at me for a second and the face she made at me I just couldn't help but laugh a little bit. She felt sorry for Stella, Beatrix, Musa, and Riven because they had to deal with my dad's bad jokes. "Dad please stop with the bad jokes no one wants to hear them." They all laughed except for my Dad he sent me a Dad look before he laughed too. My Dad then turned to Sky who was listening in on what was happening. "Sky thinks that they are funny don't you?" I looked at Sky and I could see that he was panicking and I looked back at my Dad with a dead look. "Dad stop torturing my boyfriend" Everyone laughed and my Mom placed her hand on my Dad's shoulder and whispered something into his ear and then they both laughed and it got me curious about what it was but the waiter came back before I could say anything.

"Would you like to have a look at the dessert menu or maybe another round of drinks?" Everyone looked at each other and the one who answered the waiter was Stella. "I think we would like to do both if that isn't too much trouble for you" I sometimes forget that Stella is the crown princess of Solaria because when she is with us is she just Stella how can be funny and dirty mind and well we are out in the world is she so much like her mother because that is what is expected from her.

We got the dessert menu and then we all ordered our dessert and drinks. I order another Diet Coke and a brownie. Musa, Aisha, and Terra also order a brownie, and Stella, Beatrix, Riven, and my dad all order some ice cream. My Mom and Sky didn't order anything they both said that they were fired up from the dinner but they did order another of the things that they were drinking.

About an hour after we were all done eating, we decided to go for a walk around town before going back to the school. We walked over a bridge with a small river underneath and we stopped and looked at it and it was very peaceful. The sound of the river and the small talk amongst us all and under the night sky with all the stars shining brightly.
Sky had his arm around me and I was wearing his jacket around my shoulders as it was a bit chilly at this time at night and I had forgotten to bring my own.

Then suddenly a loud ringing was heard and we all looked at where the sound came from. It turned out to be my mom's phone ringing and we all looked at her as she answered it. Hello she said into the phone in a come but happy tone but her face quickly changed and we all started fearing the worst.
My mother's conversation with the person on the phone ended and everyone was afraid to ask how it was and what it was about but Sky spoke up and asked the question.

"How was it? Is everything okay?" My Mom looked at my Dad, and me and then out on all of us at once before she closed her eyes I was starting to panic so I asked "Mom are you okay? are we all going to be okay?" She looked at us for a few moments before she smiled like really smiled and it instantly calmed me down.
"yeah, everything is just perfect...It was Queen Luna herself. She or well she had a team of guards out searching for Rosalind and they found her and...and captured her she is locked away in the Solarian royal prison forever. We are safe...everyone is safe and it's perfect as the school summer break is in three weeks." I looked at my mom in shock that I was finally safe and sound and that Rosalind was finally gone. We all hugged each other and everyone was so happy and it was like everything changed for the better even the air I was breathing became better and lighter like I wasn't suffocating all the time.

Three weeks later

I walked out of the bathroom and saw all the girls getting ready in their last-day outfits and how happy and relaxed everyone was it made me so happy to know that I had my friends and my family now and not have to fear Rosalind attacking us. We had the first classes of the day and then it was time for lunch and we decided to eat it outside. We put some blankets on the ground and all sat down and laughed, talked, ate and just enjoyed the summer weather and each other company. We were almost late for the last lessons of the day but it was fine as it was with Ben and he was just glad that Terra had made so many good friends so he didn't mind at all. I sat beside Stella in Ben's lessons and we might have chitchatted a little too much I saw Ben giving us a look a few times but he didn't say anything.

The day finally ended and we all walked into the main hall and sat down waiting for my mother to give the happy summer break speech. She came out and everyone went quiet and she started speaking. She talked about everything the school had been through this last year and how proud she was of every one of us of course she said that while looking at me and I just smiled at her and then the speech came to an end and she said the famous "have an amazing summer" and everyone cheered and clapped and was generally just happy.

almost everyone left throughout the afternoon but the school was open for a few more days so my amazing friends stayed too even though they didn't have to as I did due to my parent running the school.

My mom had prepared dinner at our place and everyone came including Aisha, Beatrix, Ben, Musa, Sky, Sam, Terra, Riven, my parents, and me of course. We ate dinner and laughed and talked like one big happy family and it lasted for hours before we all went back to our rooms I told the girls I would come in a few minutes I just needed to talk to my parent and they understood.

My mom, Dad, and I talked and laughed in the kitchen while cleaning up after the dinner party. My dad and mom laughed and seemed to be happy together again and I went back to my room and watched movies with the girls we ate candy and drank soda until long past midnight we all ended up falling asleep on the couch.

The end

A/N: Sorry the last chapter here took so many months I have been busy with my school and Just didn't know how to end the story but I hope you enjoyed the story and thank you for reading:)

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