Chapter 26 : Is she gone?

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Bloom's POV

Aisha asked, "Is she gone?" My mom looked at them and answered "For now she is but she will be back and we will be ready...everyone will be ready." I looked at her and nodded agreeing with her and the girls all looked at me and I could see that they were all thinking about the Winx thing. "I know it was pretty cool...but man it is exciting to transform" They all laughed at me and then my Mom said "I have an idea...What do you girls say to tea and a little info about how Fairy used to have Winx and how you transform?" They all agreed and sat down and my mom made tea to everyone.

We talked to my mom for an hour and it ended with just fun talk and tea. We had to leave when Queen Luna came to my Mom's office asking to speak to her. Queen Luna told us that we were brave and should be proud of ourselves and I guess it is her way of saying that she was proud of us. She stopped Stella as we were walking out and I saw her pulling her into a hug and a look of shock on Stella's face. Stella hugged her Mom back and she looked really happy that her Mom paid attention to her long enough for her to notice how great she was.

I walked into the suite with the girls and it felt like I saw the room with different colors now. I hadn't realized it but I hadn't looked at the room like this it was nice and maybe it was because I was barely surviving before that I didn't have the energy to look at my suite.

We all agreed to watch a movie and then go get something for early dinner. We watched The Gray Man and my celebrity crush for Chris Evans just grows every time I  look at him. We ate popcorn and laughed about the things in the movie and when it ended we all got up and walked to the canteen together. We ate and talked some more. I ate some spaghetti and saw my parents sitting at a table on the other side of the room and it made me smile and relax seeing them.

I took a shower before bed hoping it would relax me but it didn't so I decided to go see if my parents were awake I wanted to talk to my Mom anyway. I walked through the halls and it was peaceful and quiet because everyone was in their suites. I walked into the apartment and saw my Dad sleeping on the couch and my Mom sitting in her chair looking out of the window. I walked over to her and sat down on the puff next to the chair.

"hey, Sweetie why aren't you in bed or at least back in your suite having fun with your suitemates?" I looked at her and said, "I just couldn't sleep and I wanted to speak to you anyway so I decided to see if you and Dad were still awake." She smiled softly at me and took a sip of her tea before she said "And what do you want to talk about then?" I looked down for a second and then I looked back up at her. "I just wanted to talk about you and Dad and me and Sky" She looked at me with a curious look and I just continued talking. "When you met Dad did you know he was the one for you back then or...?" My mom smiled at me and I could see the love for me in her eyes. "Sweetie, when I met your Dad, was it like everything in the whole world stopped being just as important...but it took us both some time to figure things out before we realized that we loved each other...and you and Sky are young you don't have to think about that now you have many years before you have to decide how you want to spent the rest of your life with." I smiled and she pulled me into a hug.

I walked back to the suite trying to be quiet as I entered and walked into my and Aisah's room took my pajamas and went to the bathroom to change. No, I was lying looking at the ceiling while everyone else was asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Rosalind and how she was just out there planning on how to get back at us for stopping her plan. I fell asleep after an hour or two I didn't know how long it took but I was tired.

it has been 3 weeks since Rosalind desired and we got the school back. We have all been training to protect ourselves. We have of course been training in a more secure way than with Rosalind but I know everyone is nervous and scared.

I walked in the hallway on my way to my suite when Sky texted me so I stooped and looked at my phone. Hey Riven is training wanna come to my room? I laughed a little and then I texted him back. Sure I'm on my way.

I walked over to Sky's room and knocked on the door making sure my Dad didn't see me because girls are not allowed in boy's rooms and the other way around. Sky opened the door and my lips were already on his I closed the door behind us with my food. We kissed passionately and Sky slammed me up against the wall a few seconds later were we on his bed and I had taken my blouse off.  And then the door opened and Riven walked in and we stopped and he just stood and laughed at us. I took my shirt on again and kissed Sky before I left the room because the mood was kind of ruined.

I walked back through the hallway and ran into Beatrix and Stella and they asked if I wanted to eat dinner with them I of course agreed and we ate and talked and had fun talking about boys and drama. Terra, Aisha, and Musa came and joined us, and then Beatrix came up with the idea of a night out to celebrate that Rosalind had been gone for 3 weeks everyone thought it was a good idea so we agreed to do it on Saturday. Beatrix suggested that we should invite my parents and Sky and Riven and we all agreed to it. I told them that I didn't know if my parents could but I would ask them.

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