Seven letter word for 'apathy'

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This is a horrible idea. This can't be happening. Suguru thought, looking at his open suitcase. 

This morning, the class was briefed on their first mission. The location will be an apartment building in an affluent part of the city. Its tenants have been experiencing unexplained events and physical symptoms that are suspected to be from one cursed spirit. While they only have one target to worry about, their teacher gave a heavy warning.

“There’s a reason it hasn’t been shown to be actively hostile, it wouldn’t benefit from killing the people it's been sustaining itself on. You’re dealing with a parasite that gains strength by causing just enough trouble. When that easy existence is threatened, this type of cursed spirit will fiercely defend it.” 

For Suguru, the risk of mental trauma, physical injury, and death was one thing. He can handle that. He’s prepared his whole life for this mission by imagining endless life-or-death scenarios in his head. That part is easy.  

What has him awake at this stupid hour, with anxiety that kept him from eating all day, is everything else. The three of them will be traveling to the heart of Tokyo, carrying out the mission, and spending two nights in a hotel room on their own.  

How are they allowed to send first-years to do all of this shit alone? His stomach hurt. 

Seeking any help from his classmates was out of the question. He saw the way their faces lit up at the news. It was obvious with how they looked at each other trying to contain their excitement that Suguru was, like always, the one being weird. 

Every minute on the dot, he compulsively opens his phone to nothing new. During their lunch break, he tried several times to call his mother. No answer. 

While they were always somewhat distant, and emotions were a high-risk topic, Suguru knew his mother cared for him. She loved him, she just isn't the overly affectionate type. His mother hasn’t reached out since school started, and she didn't answer his calls to her. But that’s alright, it's the middle of the day, she’s busy he thought, following the last call with a text attempt instead

Suguru Geto: Hello, I hope you’re well. I called because we have our first assignment tomorrow. We are going into Tokyo proper. 

After his lesson with Yaga in the afternoon, he tried again.

Suguru Geto: Please call if you can. I’m not feeling well. 

When there was no response by the time he finished his homework, he gave it one last shot. 

Suguru Geto: I’m sorry for making you worry, I’m feeling better now. Thank you.

Suguru Geto: I will do my best. I love you. 

Anxiety has been just beneath a boiling point all day. Reality was, it had been that way since he was recruited for Jujutsu Tech. Only now did it truly threaten to drown him. Suguru spent every moment of the day mentally talking himself out of a total meltdown. It’s fine, you’ll be fine. Has been on a loop since this morning. 

All of this was ridiculous. Suguru was so incredibly frustrated at his irrational worries. A trip to a new place with your class isn't supposed to feel like this. He should be happy, excited for the possibilities, like they are. They make it all look so easy. Jealousy is an ugly and petty emotion, it was in full swing today on top of everything else. Why was it so easy for them to be carefree like that? 

It’ll be fine. This should be fun. You are being hysterical, normal people’s brains don’t do this. Your classmates are so excited for this trip. At this rate, you are guaranteed to ruin it for them.

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