Not Anyone

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[AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter is a prequel and a Shoko POV. It was uploaded as a separate one-shot on ao3, but I decided to just include it on here.]

“You know the drill. Keep your eyes on the page, don’t speak unless spoken to.” Dr. Ameku takes a slow drag of her cigarette. “These people, ugh.” She looks ahead at the gates as if she’d just spotted a cockroach on the wall. Like seeing this place makes her skin crawl.

Ieiri Shoko, fourteen, cranes her neck to see the top. It’s far from their first time here, but the towering wall bordering the Gojo estate never fails to intimidate. Lifelike statues of guardian lions stare down at them from their perch atop each pillar. It always feels like if she looked at them long enough, she’d surely catch them blink. 

When the gate finally opens, Shoko’s stomach drops. It’s far from their first time here, but today is different. 

Dr. Ameku isn’t here to give vaccinations to staff members, nor to check up on the majority elderly population of the clan. Today is different. Her cigarette is set alight with cursed energy, dissolving into nothing as the two of them walk inside. 

Entering the Gojo estate is like being dropped into a museum diorama. The ancient architecture looks as pristine as the day they were built. Everything's in its place, there isn’t a stone out of line or a speck of dust to be found. All of it feels suffocating, artificial, no matter how beautiful it seems.

When Shoko comes here, an odd thought always comes to mind. She imagines a pet fish, moving through its pretty and expensive enclosure. There’s shiny gravel, clean water, and more space than needed for just one. But it’s empty too. The little fish swims in great big circles by itself, unaware that anything exists outside. 

This place takes you by the arm and drags you deeper, as far away from the real world as it can. The estate is so vast, even those monstrous walls are out of sight as Shoko and the doctor are guided to their destination. 

As they walk, Shoko notices there are many more people here than usual. Maybe these people are just showing themselves for once, rather than retreating somewhere hidden from the outsiders. Eyes watch her from every window and corner she can see from the edges of her vision. 

Shoko does her best not to be affected by the glaring, the whispers, and the occasional sound of disgust at their presence. She keeps her eyes forward, at the back of their escort’s head. 

Occasionally, she looks to Dr. Ameku, who walks by her side. She isn’t intimidated by any person or situation, always keeping her head held high with a calm mind. That’s the type of medical professional and woman Shoko strives to be. Confident with the skill to back it up, intelligent, and rational.

That’s probably why she was contacted for this case. Even compared to other doctors, where a strong conviction is required for the job, Ameku is unwavering. She won’t crack under pressure, even if the outcome could affect the world. With their assignment today, that’s certainly possible. 

While that’s who Shoko would like to be someday, right now, she holds her bag tightly to her chest. Her hands ball the material into fists, trying to hide their shaking. Even though she is only observing, Shoko isn’t new to frightening things like severe injury and death. She has followed Ameku through many awful cases, but her hands rarely tremble like this. 

After all, it’s not just anyone that they’re here for today. 

How much farther? Shoko thinks, feeling blisters starting to form after walking for so long. This is much deeper into the Gojo estate than they’ve ever been allowed before. They pass dozens of near identical buildings. All beautiful, untouched by people or time.

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