The Siblings Part I

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Trent's POV

'Hey Quinn!' I said 'My mom said we had to get my siblings.'

Finally stopping her speed walk, she turns around and looks at me, her face slightly red, 'Sure, Lead the way.'

I walked into the kitchen knowing Abby and Mattias were in there. Abby and Mattias were busy munching away on pancakes, with syrup leaving a trail down Abby's chin. 

'T!' Abby yelled, running to hug me. 'Where have you been? Mattias and I made pancakes for you and Mommy.'

'Hey Abs, I was just out with mom, 'cause she went to visit a friend.' I replied lifting her up and squeezing her.

'Where's mom?' Mattias asked looking behind me to see if she was there.

'She's still at her friend's house but she asked her friend's daughter to tour us.' I said

'Who? T, there's no one there.' Matt said.

Turning around, I saw no one. Sighing I walked into the living room, to find Quinn on a call with someone. 

'Yes, I know.... We can talk about it when you get there... I know things have been hard.' Quinn laughed, 'Yay! I'll see you at the park. K, byee love you!'

I cleared my throat quickly getting her attention, 'Oh, Hi. I was just talking with my friend Daniella. She's gonna meet us at the park.'

'Okay, meet my siblings Mattias and Abby.' I replied.

'Huiiii!' Abby squealed, running up to Quinn and hugging her. Mattias simply waved.

'Yo bro, I gotta go get my glasses. I'll meet you guys at the door.' he said

I nod, watching the interaction between Abby and Quinn. Abby and Quinn sit on the floor talking about many things, including Abyy's interest in art.

'Abby, you have to put on your shoes now.' I said

'Okay! But can Quinn come with me please?'

'Sure sweetie, I'll come with ya.' 

          As both girls raced upstairs, Matt finally stepped out of his room. He had changed into a white shirt and an orange flannel jack paired with blue jeans and black Converses on his feet. His glasses sat on his nose, instead of his contacts.

'That Quinn girl seems nice.' He said

'Yea, she's different from most girls.' I replied.

'She kinda reminds me of... you know Olivia.' He commented, his tone of voice going down at the mention of her name. This time I couldn't reply. Olivia was someone I intended to keep in my past. A memory that needed to stay hidden. Just then the girls came downstairs. Abby had changed her outfit, now wearing a white shirt and pink polka dot shorts with a bow and her brown hair in a ponytail.  

'Are you guys ready to go? We have a whole day ahead of us and a lot of places to see!' Quinn yelled excitedly. I found it quite strange how excited she was.

              Quinn and Abby ran out of the house, with Mattias right behind them. I closed the door and locked it, making sure my key was in my pocket.  Mattias, Abby, and Quinn were already turning out of the street, so I jogged to keep up with them. After passing some streets with different clothing stores, we finally made it to the park. I had lush green grass, with rose bushes and sunflowers growing in it. There were three slides, each pink and purple. Two swing sets and a merry-go-round. Monkey bars tall and wide stood in the middle of a miniature rock climbing wall and a large sandbox. 

              The trees grew strong and tall, but as Spring was approaching, there weren't many leaves. Seated on one of the swings was a girl with long brown hair. She wore a gray sports bra, cream-colored sweatpants, a brown flannel jacket, and white shoes. 

'Dani!' Quinn screamed, flinging herself onto the girl. 

'Hey shortie pie, long time no se-.' The Daniella person, stopped short as she locked eyes with Mattias. 

'Why are you here? WHY DID YOU COME BACK?' She yelled.


I wanted to say cliffhanger so bad, but it's not a cliffhanger so yeah. Hey everyone, Not really an update but hope you liked it. This was short, but I hope the next chapter is a little longer

Who's Olivia? And what happened to her and Trent in the past? How do Daniella and Mattias know each other? What do you think is gonna happen next? Do you think Daniella will murder someone?

Question of z day - What's your favorite type of weather?

Answer - Mine is rainy, the rainy is calming and I just love dancing in it.                                  


So I tried to get pics, but i dont think there will be any for Quinn and the picture I got for Abby is too small.

       Mattias's outift

       Mattias's outift

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                                                                Danielle's outfit. (Not what she looks like.)


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 Trent's outfit. (This is most definitely not what he looks like)

 (This is most definitely not what he looks like)

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Credits to all owners of the pictures.

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