The Siblings Part ii

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TW- Mentions of verbal abuse and abuse. Read at your own risk. and please skip if you can't read.


Quinn's POV

'YOU!' Dani yelled. 'Why the hell did you come back?'

'Hey, Dani.' Mattias said, staring at her.

'Don't 'Hey Dani' me!' she said imitating his voice, 'You left. You disappeared when I needed you most. Go away and Don't come back.'

'Daniella, please don't be like this.' Mattias said reaching out the grab her arm. 

'Don't touch me!' she screamed, 'You left, and now you're back. But don't expect us to be friendly. Got it?'

She stormed off into the woods, surrounding the park, tears streaming down her face. As designated bestie, I ran after her. I ran until I came across the tree house we discovered. I walked up the stairs that were carved into the side of the tree, going straight toward the muffled sound of tears.

'Dani? Do you want to talk about it?' I asked as she sat next to her.

Sniffling, she spoke, 'A few years ago, before you moved here; when it was just Ariella, Tyler, and I, Mattias used to live here as well. Things with my parents weren't as bad as they are now, but whenever things got too much for me to handle, I would always sneak over to his house, because we were neighbors. His parents were strange and they never liked me, heck they never liked any of his friends. But we were best friends, we met one day when I saw some kids pushing him into the sandbox in the playground. I helped him, insulting the boys. It escalated into a fight after they mentioned me being adopted and I got hit, but I still saved him. After I helped him up and dusted off his clothes, I shared my lunch with him, because those older boys stomped on his. We even found this tree house, one day when we ran away from home. It was old but because we were kids it felt magical to us. We cleaned it up and brought some of our prized possessions here. Fast forward a few years, to our second year of middle school, we even had our first kiss here. But the kiss was cursed. A day after we kissed, his parents made him choose, to stay here with his aunt, or go back to their home country. I thought he'd stay, considering the friends he had here. Selfishly, I thought he'd stay....for me. But I was wrong, he packed up and left that very day, without a goodbye.'

'But what did you mean, when you said "he left you when you needed him most"?' I  whispered.

'Well, around that time, my parents 'help' got worse, if they didn't beat me, it was the words. The words hurt the most, it was because my grades didn't meet their standards. They'd slap me for everything I got wrong, or use a leather belt, that left marks on my skin for days. When the scars or lashes became visible, they stopped, but they would say, 'I was useless' and or 'I was worthless and that I should kill myself. The woman I called my mother, said I was ugly because of my skin color and facial features. She said no man would ever love me. She said no one would love me. She said my friends probably didn't even like me and were only with me because of pity. My dad would say, how I was too dumb and should've been tossed into the garbage where I belonged and a whole lot worse. An eventually... I started believing them, telling myself those things every day and even some of my own. I kept that kind of thing from my friends because I didn't want them to pity me anymore. Mattias, him being him, obviously noticed. He confronted me about it and made me promise to tell him anything that happened. And the night we kissed, I planned on telling him everything. In that sense, he left, when I needed yeah. 

        Quinn hugged her best friend for a year and two months, and Daniella cried. She cried until she didn't cry anymore. Eventually, they both fell asleep. Peaceful and comfy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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