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we stay out after lunch later than we anticipated as rachel and hunter were getting distracted by the cute shops everywhere. it's gotten pretty dark and cold out as it's nearing november and i didn't grab a jacket before we left earlier. i'm shaking as we all walk down the road to the next store. tom notices and takes off his jacket and puts it over my shoulders then pulls me closer to him so i can try and warm up.

"you really don't have to do this" i say and try to move but he just pulls me in tighter. "of course i do. i can't have you freezing to death before we even start the press tour" i just laugh and look up at him. i will never get over how gorgeous his eyes are. when i finally break eye contact i notice that we've stopped and lost the rest of the group. "oh shit where'd they go" tom looks around noticing the same thing that i just mentioned. "oh ummm i don't know but how about we just head back to the hotel. it's too cold out to try and look for them." i nod and we make our way back to the hotel.


"i'm not ready for tomorrow" i fake cry to tom while we sit in his room talking. "oh common you got this, what's wrong?" he tries to comfort me and wraps his arm back around my shoulder. i lean into him more due to how tired and cold i still am. "i'm just scared i'll say something wrong. i mean i've done these before but this is different. my brother isn't here and this movie is way bigger than when i did pitch perfect. like what if i say something wrong and mess everything up for you guys?"

tom just pulls be closer and i'm nearly on his lap now. "listen to me emi. you have nothing to worry about. and if you ever feel nervous or scared just find me and i'll be right by your side in an instant okay?" i lift my head and just look at him. "has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?" "once or twice" tom laughs out still keeping my eye contact.

we stay like this till i realize the position we are in. i am quite literally sitting on toms lap right now with his arms around my waist. i suddenly jump up and think about what kyle would say about this. tom also stands with me but i don't look at him, i can't. i say a rushed goodnight to tom and run to my room across the hall.

as soon as i close my door i start pacing. what the hell was that? i mean tom and i have always been close but that felt different. good different. i'm sure it was nothing. it was just because i was still cold. yeah. that's when i realize i still have on toms jacket.

"shit" i'll just give it back to him in the morning but right now i need to sleep. we have a busy day tomorrow and i'm still not ready for it.

Anything and Everything  <Tom Blyth>حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن