Remote Control Vibrator

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Layla smiled. She inserted the vibrator into her pussy. She had it off. She planned to give the controller to her boyfriend that night.

It was his birthday after all and he deserved all that he wanted. She put it in her purse and drive to the restaurant, prepared for a night of torment and pleasure.

She drove to the restaurant. 

"Hey," he said to her when they got there.
"Hey, what's up."
"Why are you wearing that?"
She looked down.
"What do you mean?"

"You look like a hooker, smallest skirt know to man and a bra, basically.  What the fuck is this?"

"We'll I thought... you know what, whatever."  She was frustrated already.  There was already some tension between them and she had just gotten there.  She had an idea about what would make it better.

"Here, I got this for you."  She handed Jake her remote.
"What is this?  Did you get me a tv controller?"
"No... better."
"What is it?"
"A pussy controller, specifically my pussy."

"Oh, so I can use this to punish you all night whenever you do something i disapprove of?"

That was not what she was thinking of at all, but it was his birthday.  So...

"Uhm, well I wasn't thinking that but, uh, I guess..."
"Good, Layla.  Now how does it work?"

"Well the red button turns it on vibration, then you choose the number setting.  Then the purple button is for expanding to size of the vibrator.  Than the green one is to stop it.  Yellow is for shocking.  Some people have a pain kink, so..."

"Oh, okay.  Well I'll be good to you if you don't piss me off tonight."
"O-okay, I-I guess."
"Well, I don't like that outfit... so," he pressed the red button turning on the vibration.  It was at one.

It shook her whole body, giving her goose bumps.

"Uh, Jake.  When will you stop this one?"
"Never, not until tonight at least.  Every time you do something wrong it makes the punishment worse."

"Oh."  This was going to be a long night. 
"And I want you to call me Daddy, all night.  Even around others."
"No buts or I'll up it more."

Layla crossed her legs tightly to soothe the pain.  The waitress appeared.
"What would you two like."
Jake ordered first.

"I'll have a bacon burger," Layla started to say but than the vibrate went to level two.
She let out a squeak.

"She'll have a salad.  Won't you?"  She nodded.

"No I want you to order it."
"I-I" she squeaked out and the waitress cocked her head.

"I'll have the salad," she said in a high pitched voice.  The waitress laughed from confusion but wrote it down.  Then she left.

"You're having a salad."
"Sorry what."
"Daddy," she squealed, that made her pussy clench.  Just saying it.

"I-I think you'll have to lower it because I-I can't think."
"Too bad."
"Well if I cum, you know that I usually cum loudly.  So I'll m-moan r-really loudly."
"Too bad."

She thought for a second. 
"I need to pee."
"Nope.  I know that trick.  You're lucky I'm not upping to scale."
"No I actually have to pee really badly."  He upped it another level.

"Oh!" She yelled out, she whimpered. 
"S-sorry.  I can't do this."
"You will, or else I'll make it go bigger, than you won't be able to get it out."

She went pale.  He was right.  He could lodge it in her pussy and she knew he would.

"S-sorry daddy."

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