Part 1 - Friendly Chats

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Eyes wide open, starring at the ceiling. Y/n couldn't sleep, her head kept spinning, thought after thought after thought. The death of Pan replaying over and over again in her head like a broken record.

She thought she should've done something to stop Rumple from killing Pan and himself, but what could she do? Yes, she had magic on Neverland, but she was bending its magic to her will. She didn't know if she even had magic in Storybrooke.

She, then, thought back to the curse. She should be upset, Pan casting the curse to kill off several people and to bend the rest of the citizens of Storybrooke to their will. The old her would've been upset, but the new her, the one whose been hurt time and time again, she just isn't upset.

She tried playing nice, she tried being the hero in her realm, it just didn't work out. In real life, it's every person for themselves. Playing the hero doesn't always work out like it does in most fairytales. You have to fend for yourself, be independent. You're better off on your own.

Now, the reason why everyone in Storybrooke is safe and not under a curse is because when Pan died, the curse dissipated, like it was never even casted. After Rumple and Pan disappeared into thin air, the smoke was suddenly gone.

The reason why Y/n is not in a jail cell right now and in a soft bed at Granny's, is because The Charming's and Emma felt extremely bad for the girl. A guy she loved killed by his own son, right for her to witness, it does something to you, to your head, your soul.

It took some convincing for Regina but she soon accepted her stay. The Charming's always thought villains could change for the better. This was one of those moments. They thought, deep down, Pan used her, manipulated her into helping him. Little do they know, she willingly helped Pan, but they didn't need to know that.

Y/n squinted her eyes, a ray of sunshine shining through the window of the room she was in. She let out a tired sigh, getting up from her bed. She walked to the hotel room door, placing her shoes on before walking out.

She sat herself down at the counter in the diner, placing her arms on the surface to act as a pillow to place her head on. It didn't take very long for someone to notice the poor girl, seeing how tired and broken she was.

"Didn't get much sleep last night?"

Y/n, confused, she lifted her head up to see the owner of the cute diner, Granny. She gave Granny a tired smile, sitting up a little straighter than she was, arms still on the counter.

"You could say that."

"How bout some hot coffee and pancakes to cheer you up?"

"That's very kind of you but I don't have money to give you."

"Don't worry, it's on the house."

Before Y/n could say anything further, Granny made her way to the back, either to make the order herself or to tell the chef. About 10 minutes later, Granny came back with hot pancakes and a pitcher of syrup.

"How do you like your coffee?"

"Black, please."

"Really?" Granny raised a brow, turning to grab a mug and a pot of coffee behind her. She placed the mug on the counter in front of the girl, pouring the searing hot coffee into the mug. "A kid willingly drinking black coffee?"

"I'm 18, thank you very much." Y/n let out a laugh. "But yes, I enjoy it more than coffee with milk or creamer. I like the bitter taste."

"Well, you do you, sweetheart." Y/n tensed at the nickname, which didn't go unnoticed by Granny. She gave the girl a sad smile. "I'm sorry. Does that bring back memories?"

"Uh, yeah. Something like that." Y/n brought the coffee to her lips, blowing on it before taking a gentle sip. The coffee mug hovering below her lips, she spoke, "Quick question." Granny hummed, gesturing for the girl to continue. "Why are you being so nice to me? After what I did."

"Because I believe people deserve second chances."

"Are you friends with Snow White?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Because that sounds like something she would say," Y/n chuckled lightly, earning a soft smile from the diner owner.

Granny served other people as Y/n ate her breakfast. Soon after Granny was done helping the citizens who walked in, she went back to check up on the young woman.

"How are you doing?"

"The pancakes were wonderful. Thank you. And the coffee, probably the best I've ever had."

"Well, thank you," Granny chuckled with a soft smile.

"I, um, better get going. Thanks again for breakfast."

"You sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. Just need some fresh air, time to think."

Y/n gave Granny one last smile before heading towards the front exit, the bells above the door jingling as she left. She started to walk around for a few minutes, gaining stares and hearing whispers from people who didn't exactly accept her being in town. She didn't care though, if they wanted to gossip, let them. It doesn't really affect her since she's not actually hearing it.

She decided she needed to go to the one place that felt most like home to her.

The forest.

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