Part 3 - Peter Pan

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"Neal!" Emma yelled, getting up from her booth, kneeling next to the collapsed son of the Dark One.

Everyone gathered at Granny's for a little get together, to celebrate the fact that they weren't brainwashed and cursed once again.

Everything was all fine and dandy, everyone drinking, talking amongst themselves. It didn't last long til Neal randomly collapsed on the floor, gasping for air.

As Neal said his last goodbyes, the group heard a loud screech come from outside. That screech definitely gained their attention, everyone looking at the door of Granny's and then at each other.

"What the hell was that?" David asked.

"That was Y/n."

Everyone paused, not daring to move an inch. Everyone's gazes turned toward the entrance of Granny's, seeing a very much alive and breathing Peter Pan standing in the doorway.

Emma abruptly stood up, pulling her gun from her holster, aiming it right at Pan. David pushed Snow behind him in a protective manner, drawing his sword. Regina pushed Henry behind herself, a ball of fire igniting in her hand. Everyone else either stood tall and confident or scared and huddled in the back.

"I'm not here to hurt you," Pan made clear, raising his arms up beside his head. "The real threat right now is Y/n."

"What do you mean?" Regina asked, confused.

"What did you do to Neal?" Emma asked rather calmly, anger bubbling up inside her.

"I didn't do anything to Neal. One second I was dead, the next I woke up in the forest near town."

It took a moment for Emma to lower her gun, but she did, using her superpower to figure out he was telling the truth.

"What? You're actually going to believe him?" Regina scoffed.

"He's not lying." Emma stated bluntly.

"And how do you know that? Did you use your 'superpower' on him?"

Emma rolled her eyes, ignoring Regina's comment. David spoke up, getting them back on track.

"Wait, what about Y/n?"

"When I woke up in the forest I saw Y/n turn into a banshee."

"A banshee?" Regina asked, not believing a single word he's saying.


"And how do you know she's a banshee?"

As if on queue, an ear-piercing scream could be heard from outside. The window's shattered into pieces, the scream getting louder. Everyone bent themselves forward, covering their ears from the scream.

Y/n suddenly jumped through the broken door of Granny's. She stopped her scream, observing everyone in the diner. She moved her head creepily to the left and then to the right, her eyes landing on Emma.

Y/n hissed, exposing her teeth. David pointed his sword at Y/n, protecting Emma and the others. Y/n, feeling threatened, let out a high-pitched screech. Everyone covered their ears again, trying to stop the noise from meeting their ears.

David dropped his sword, the metal clanking on the ground distracted Y/n, making her stop screaming. Pan stepped in front of Emma, David, and the others, stopping Y/n from going any further.

Her eyes went wide then narrowed. She moved her head again to the left and then to the right, getting extremely close to Pan.

"Yeah, love. It's me," Peter whispered, tears brimming his eyes.

Y/n stopped, inches from his face. She brought her clawed hand up to his cheek, caressing it softly. What she did next, Peter didn't expect, no one did.

She threw him into the booth table on their left. Her gaze landed on Emma once again. She was about to let out another scream when she was hit with a fireball. Y/n stumbled back towards where she threw Pan. She looked down at her right arm, seeing blood seep through the wound Regina gave her.

She looked up at Regina from her wound, barring her teeth. She jumped extremely high in the air, using both legs to kick Regina in the chest. As the air was knocked out of her, she fell against the counter behind her.

Y/n landed back on the ground, inches from Regina. She suddenly grabbed Regina by the throat, squeezing it tightly, suffocating her. Regina tried to gasp for air but it was no use with the young woman's hands around her throat.

David tried to pull Y/n off of Regina but Y/n sent him flying back, landing on a nearby table with a grunt. Everyone cowered away in fear but Emma didn't back down. She cocked her gun, raised it at the banshee.

"Hey!" Emma yelled on the left side of Y/n, gaining her attention. "This isn't you, Y/n. You need to fight it. Come back to us."

Y/n's grip on Regina loosened just a tad, her gaze still on Emma. The look she gave them, everyone thinking they were getting through to her, but her next action told them otherwise.

She threw her head back and screamed, causing everyone to cover their ears once again. She slowly brought her head back down, looking straight into Regina's eyes. She inched toward Regina's face, seeing it covered with pain.

Blood could be spotted seeping from her ear, slowly. Before anymore damage could be done any further, Peter placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder, pulling her off of Regina. She stumbled back a bit, glaring at Pan.

"Darling? It's me, Peter. You gotta snap out of this. I'm here, I'm alive."

Y/n stayed silent, inspecting Pan's face. She let out a growl, followed by one last ear-piercing scream. She jumped through the broken door, jumping from building to building, either to find her next victim or to find temporary sanctuary.

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