Part 2 - Banshee

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She wondered around the forest for what seemed like hours til she came across the well Pan used to create the curse. She stared at it, staying a few feet away from it. Memories of the scene that took place playing on loop over and over again in her mind.

"You broke us out of jail to tell us how everyone got to this town?" Felix questioned.

"I broke you both out of jail because this spell is going to give us everything we've always wanted. Everyone will forget who they are. Time will stand still. And we will be in charge."

"Of this whole place?" Felix inquired.

"Yes. And when we're done with it, it's going to be the new Neverland."

Y/n would be lying if she said she didn't want this to be their new Neverland at the time. She knew there wasn't really a way to get back to Neverland so what would be the harm in bending everyone to their will?

But now? All she wanted was to go back to Neverland, her home, and be with Peter and the lost boys. She wanted everything to go back to normal, to the way it was.

"Are we missing something?" Felix asked, noticing nothing happened when he dropped the last potion bottle in.


"What is it?"

"The heart of the thing I love most."

"Woah, woah, woah, slow your role," Y/n started, backing up a few steps.

"You're going to kill Y/n?" Felix asked.

"You are not killing me!" She stated sternly.

"Calm down, love. I'm not gonna kill you."

"Then, who?"

"Love can mean many things. It doesn't just come from romance, or family. It can also come from loyalty. Friendship. Only one person has always believed in Pan."

"You- you're gonna kill Felix?" Y/n questioned in fear for her best friend.

"Don't be afraid, Felix. Be flattered."

"No, no, no!" Felix yelled out as he ripped out his heart.

"No!!" Y/n screamed as 'Henry' crushed Felix's heart, watching it turn to ash, before letting it all fall into the well. "You...killed him."

Y/n was definitely mad at Peter for killing Felix but she understood why. She did, indeed, miss her best friend but how could she stay mad at those eyes. Those beautiful emerald eyes.

A stray tear fell down her cheek at the memory of looking into those beautiful orbs of his. She let out a sniff, quickly wiping away the tears.

She looked where Felix's body used to be, noticing its no longer there. Suddenly, his screams filled her mind, echoing against the walls of her head. She squinted her eyes, Felix's screams mixing in with Peter's. Both their deaths overlapping one another.

She gripped the sides of her head, trying not to make a sound so no one would bother her. She growled at the pain in her head, tearing streaming down her face. She fell to her knees, her grip on her head tightening.

"Please stop," she choked out, barely above a whisper. "Please....make it stop."

She continued to sob, the screams, the voices, everything, playing on loop like a broken record. She, soon, had enough of it, slamming her fists on the ground.

She opened her eyes with a jolt, gasping for air. It took her a moment to realize the ground. She glanced down at her hands, the ground, and back to her hands.

The ground was dented below her, a crack leading all the way to the well. She got up slowly, following the crack, stopping in front of the well. Her head started thinking back to those times Peter trained with Y/n, the time she bent Neverland's magic to her will.

"Embrace it, darling. Let the magic flow through you."

Leaves stirred, a gentle zephyr encircled her, and a soft hum echoed in the air. She felt a tingling sensation coursing through her veins, an energy she'd never experienced before.

Pan," she whispered, awestruck, feeling the enchantment. "I can feel it. The magic."

"You're tapping into it," Pan's voice was filled with pride.

She extended her hand, feeling the energy respond to her touch. Vines sprouted from the ground, dancing at her command. Pan grinned, recognizing the potential awakening within her.

"There's a connection between you and the island. It's the beginning, darling. The beginning of your journey."

She remembered she asked Peter how she could use magic when she doesn't have magic. Even though she doesn't have magic, she could still bend Neverland's magic to her will. She started thinking that maybe she did have magic after-all.

She started thinking that maybe, just maybe, she could bring back Peter. She didn't think about the consequences at all, what would or could happen. All that was on her mind was bringing back her love, her Peter.

She stood up straight, paying attention to the sounds around her, the smells. Silence filled the air, the only thing she could hear was the breeze and the sound of moving leaves.

She felt a surgical energy in her hands, a red glow emitting from them. She aimed the palms of her hands to one another, a small red ball appearing in the middle. A red energy wave emitted from her hands, meeting the ball hovering in the middle.

She opened her eyes, smiling at her new found powers. She let out a laugh, smiling brightly, thinking nothing but Peter. A bright red light engulfed her, expanding from the ball of energy. She squeezed her eyes shut at the bright light, still keeping focus on bringing Pan back.

In a matter of seconds, the light was gone and so was the ball. She opened her eyes, glancing at her hands before they fell to her side. She lifted her head up, spinning around in a circle, looking all around her to spot even a slight presence of Peter.

When she found no one in sight, she grew angry, but not just angry, pissed off. She let out a scream into the abyss, tears streaming down her cheeks.

As she screamed, her appearance completely changed. Her hair turned into a bright white, her eyes changing from their normal ghost looking color to a bright crystal sky blue.

Her already sharp canines becoming even pointier. Pointy - sharp claws extending from her nails. Even her outfit changed.

Her normal pants changing into a red and black skirt, red and black looking veins appearing on her legs. Those same veins appearing on her arms and around her waist area.

(The head piece and the thing on her shoulders acting as wings are not apart of the transformation.)

She let out a growl, sniffing the air for any sign of sadness and despair from anyone in town

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She let out a growl, sniffing the air for any sign of sadness and despair from anyone in town. She jumped very high up into the air, landing on a sturdy branch.

Y/n let out an ear-piercing scream that lasted quite a few seconds before jumping off the tree branch, hurrying towards her victim.

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