Part 4 - Unlikely Alliances

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Everyone in the diner watched as Y/n jumped from building to building til she was out of their view. David got up from the table he was thrown upon, everyone finally relaxing since there wasn't a screaming banshee in the same room as them anymore.

"Everyone okay?" David asked, earning a few 'yeahs' from the citizens.

"So, I guess Pan was right," Emma pointed out before turning towards Regina, seeing blood on her hands. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Regina hissed.

"What the hell was that?" Grumpy asked, pointing where Y/n once was.

"That was a banshee, and that banshee is Y/n," Pan answered.

"How is she a banshee in the first place?" Snow asked.

"I wouldn't know. Never had to deal with banshees back on Neverland," Pan shrugged.

"Then, who would know?" Emma inquired.

"Not who, so to speak. Where," Regina corrected.

"Gold's shop," David's eyes lit up in realization. "He has everything there."

"Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Pan raced out the broken door, ready to save his love. Emma, Regina, the Charming's, Hook, and Henry following close behind him.

The entered the shop, the bell above the door ringing, signaling that someone has entered the shop.

"Alright, everyone split up. Yell if you find anything," Emma ordered, starting to look herself.

After around an hour or so of looking, Henry found something that seemed helpful.

"Guys! Come look at this!"

Everyone came running towards him, huddling around him. Their eyes narrowed at the item in his hands.

"A book?" Hook asked, raising a brow.

"Not just any book," Henry spoke as he opened up the book. "A book about demons, witches, warlocks," he listed as he skimmed through the book.

"Wait," Pan said, stopping Henry at a page that looked similar to Y/n. "There. A Banshee is a demon who wanders the earth feeding on souls in great pain."

"Well, that explains why she was after Emma," David thought aloud.

"Yeah, til Regina threw a fireball at her," Emma pointed out.

"I did that to get her to stop, to stun her."

"Well, you did more than just stun her," Peter hissed.

"She seemed fine to me," Regina scoffed.

"Guys, let's focus. There are more pressing matters at hand here," Hook stated.

"This demon uses her voice as a high pitched call to locate a victim by hearing the inner cry. She does this by zeroing in on the waves of pain that emanate from the stricken. A Banshee then elevates her call into a scream so powerful it kills those she targets," Henry finishes.

"It doesn't say how to turn her back?" Peter asked, his voice full of concern.

"No, it doesn't," Henry responded, flipping page after page in the book, finding nothing.

"So, how are we supposed to save her?" Snow asked.

"Well, think of it as darkening your heart. You'd have to kill someone for that process to start," Regina thought aloud.

"Her first kill would turn her forever," David finished.

"Good thing she didn't end up killing Regina when she had the chance," Hook laughed out, earning a few glares.

"We just have to make sure she doesn't kill anyone," Snow spoke with confidence.

"Easier said then done, I'm afraid," Hook responded.

"Then what do you suggest we do to save her?" Regina asked, a little hint of sarcasm in he voice.

"Why don't we try to use love to get to her," Henry suggested.

"What?" Hook questioned, raising a brow.

"True love is the most powerful magic of all, right? What if we could use it to save her?" Henry elaborated.

"Well, who truly loves her?" Snow asked.

"Me," Peter spoke, gaining a few questionable looks.

"No, he's telling the truth. Look." Henry pointed to a line on the page. "A banshee is a demon who wanders the earth feeding on souls in great pain. Meaning she turned into a banshee because of the loss of Pan."

"So, she really did love him," Snow thought aloud.

"Who could love someone like Pan?" Regina questioned, gaining a 'wtf' look from Pan. "No offense."

"Offense taken."

"So, what, you're saying the only way to save Y/n is to let Pan save her?" Emma inquired.

"If you don't, she could be a banshee forever. And I'm not gonna allow that happen," Peter said, determined to save his love.

"So, how do we find her?" David asked.

As if on queue, a loud scream could be heard from outside, the walls of the shop muffling the scream.

"I don't think it'll be that difficult," Hook pointed out, his gaze towards the window on the door of the shop.

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