Chapter One

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I twiddled the bottle cap between my fingers and flicked it, it bounced on the metal roof and down onto the ground. "Oh Anti," I said with a sigh, cracking another bottle open. We'd sit here for hours some nights, drinking and putting the world to rights. Now I was alone, drinking until I couldn't feel anything. I hadn't heard from Mark or Ethan, not that I wanted to. I was done with those two. They weren't willing to help me go after Anti, despite him taking a bullet for them. That sorry little bastard put his life on the line for them...even after what they'd done to him. Now he had no idea who he was...he looked me dead in the eyes and there was nothing. No reaction. Nothing. He didn't even know who I was. I blinked the tears away and shook my head. "Fuck..." I downed the last beer and set the empty bottle back in the box. The intoxifiying effects of the alcohol were starting to kick in, I slipped down the roof and clumsily climbed back down the ladder where Chica was waiting for me at the bottom. She hadn't been the same since Anti was recaptured, she spent many hours outside of his bedroom door whining for him, only to fall asleep. "C'mon girl, it's getting late." I opened the backdoor and she trotted inside and just like clockwork, ran upstairs to lay outside Anti's room.

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"Well Titan, I must applaud your strong will." Bob praised, watching Salvador unlock the door to the cell. "Is it over? You're letting me out?" Titan asked nervously as he got up from the floor. "All settled, bud. Welcome back to the team." Salvador smiled, opening the door. "Oh thank goodness!" Titan hobbled over to his friend and hugged him tightly. "I knew you wouldn't let me down." Bob rolled his eyes impatiently. "Yes yes, I've always hated reunions. Back to work you two, there's much to be done now we have the little ones." Bob patted Salvador on the back. "What do you mean? Kids? Oh man I'm not good with kids." Titan chuckled nervously. "Not exactly, I'll show you." Salvador put his arm around him and lead him down the corridor.

The room was brightly lit, it had a clinical feel to it, ice white walls that reflected the strip lights, and a heavy smell of cleaning solution. Four tanks were bolted to the floor, each one housing a demon clone. Each one was suspended in blue fluid, several tubes led from their bodies, managing nutrition and waste. They bore a striking resemblance to Antisepticeye, from the lush, green bangs to the large, saber like canines in their mouths. One stood out from the rest however, his eyes were mystic purple, the same lilac hue ran through his hair in streaks. In the center of the room, standing tall and proud, was Bob, the creator of these demon clones. He gazed upon his creations with pride, marveling at the perfection of their design. His ego swelled with satisfaction as he began to imagine the money pouring in. "Beautiful, aren't they?" Bob marveled, turning to Anti who was sitting in a wheelchair next to him. "I guess. What are they?" The demon asked slowly, looking at his master. "They are the key to my fortune, Anti." He grinned, rubbing his hands together. "They all...look like me." Anti stated, his eyes widening and his head tilting, perplexed. Bob smiled and patted the demon's shoulder. "They do, you're related don't you know?" He purred. Anti shook his head in disbelief, his fingers drumming on the armrests of his chair. "I don't have children, I don't have a wife." He replied. "Oh these aren't a product of marriage, young one. They're a product of your amazing DNA." Bob explained. "I still don't understand, master." Anti frowned, his mind still a blur. "All in good time, Anti. All in good time." Bob smiled, gripping the wheelchair handles and wheeling him out of the room.

Titan and Salvador were turning the corner when Bob and Anti left the room. "Look at you getting chofured about." Titan remarked, smiling at the demon as Bob approached. Anti looked at the duo with a confused expression, his eyes narrowed and his brows raised.

"...down on the ground...stay still!"

"Little runt!"

The demon shuddered and looked at Bob cautiously. "It's alright, these are two of my finest men. They won't lay a finger on you, understand?" Bob smiled, ruffling Anti's hair. Anti nodded slowly, his gaze still fixed on them. "Anti needs to have his bloods done again, if you two would be so kind to escort him upstairs?" Bob pulled out his phone as it started to ring. "It would be our pleasure." Salvador smiled, stepping over and grabbing the handles of the chair. "But-" "you'll be fine, Anti. I'm just popping outside for a little bit." Bob hurried off, leaving the demon in the care of the two guards. "You don't remember us, do you?" Titan asked, leaning close to Anti. The demon eyed him cautiously, his eyes wide as he racked his brain for a memory, but he couldn't put a name to his face. "No." He said plainly, shaking his head. "Oh well, nothing like a fresh start, aye Salv?" The guard chuckled, looking at his friend. Salvador smiled warmly and pushed the wheelchair down the corridor.

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