Chapter Six

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I picked up the wet stick that Chica had brought me and threw it for her again. She charged after it, barking excitedly. I sighed and turned to look across the fields again. Bob's HQ was still visible from the distance. "I gotta move on." I told myself, averting my gaze and watching Chica run back over with the stick. She dropped it at my feet and I picked it up, I was about to throw it again when I paused and looked back over the fields. Everything suddenly fell silent and I felt a chill in the air. Suddenly a huge explosion shook the ground, causing me to stumble and Chica and to bark. Smoke was piling out of the building and I could hear screaming. "What the?" I gasped, dropping the stick. Chica started to bark at me and tap her paws on the ground. "Something's wrong..." I turned to Chica and patted her head. "Stay close, girl. C'mon." I took off toward the building, Chica at my side.

. . .

Anti's ears rung as his hearing was blown by the explosion. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring his vision. "Fuck...fuck..." He touched the side of his head and winced, as he drew it away he gasped as blood trickled down his fingers. Everything around him was moving in slow motion, the door had been blown completely off, his clones were fighting the guards off as they appeared to investigate the blast. Suddenly, everything suddenly came back, screaming and shouting filled the air, the smell of burning and dust made Anti cough. He was no longer frozen in place, the building was falling apart around him, and his clones needed his help. "Charge!" He roared, gaining control of his body again. He picked up the gun laying next to him and joined the fight. They pushed the guards back and managed to get to an exit that lead outside.

They gathered on the grass and looked up as the building continued to crumble, smoke and fire pilled from the windows, glass and debris littered the ground. "We're out..." Anti gasped. "We're out." They turned and watched the remaining demon slaves run for their lives towards the woods. "That's what I call making an exit." The purple haired demon grinned, placing his hand on Anti's shoulder. "Yeah..." Anti breathed, still in shock. "Come on, let's get somewhere safe."

The remaining guards funneled out into the main courtyard, coughing and spluttering as the smoke filled their lungs. "Where's Bob?" One called out. "Who cares? Save yourself!" Another shouted back.

. . .

Titan and Salvador emerged from the now collapsed building, bloodied and bruised. "What the hell happened?" Titan asked, nursing his bleeding arm. "I'll bet Antisepticeye has something to do with it." Salvador growled, cracking his knuckles.

"There you fellas are, I thought you were gonners." They turned and saw Bob stumbling towards them. Salvador quickly ran to his aid and put his arm around him. "Sir, what happened? Are you alright?" He quizzed. Bob coughed as he tried to speak. "A-Antisepticeye...he...he did this." He spat. "There, there, you're still in shock." Titan reassured him. Bob shook his head. "No, it was him, he escaped from the machine and he's taken his clones. I'm ruined." He replied. Salvador turned and looked at the pile of rubble that was once his master's HQ. "We can't let this beat us, we'll get him back, we'll get them all back." He replied confidently. "I'll be dead by then, the buyers are here, look." Bob pointed ahead towards the road, several cars and vans were parked up, and a group of demon masters had gathered. "You have to hide me, please." He begged. Titan looked around nervously. "Where? There's nowhere to go." Salvador rolled his eyes. "He means away from here, come on, in my truck before we're seen."

                                    .    .    .

I stopped before the pile of rubble that was Bob's HQ, it was deserted, no demons, no hunters, no Anti. "Oh my goodness." I dropped to my knees, Chica began nudging me lovingly. "I'm so sorry, Anti...I'm so sorry!" I screamed into my hands as I held my head. "That bastard's blown this place to smitherines...and taken you with it!"

"Hey, you shouldn't be here! Quick, run away before someone sees you!"

"Hm?" I stood up and turned around, Anti was standing a few feet from me wearing some kind of mechanical braces. "Anti! You're alive!" I cried, reaching for him. The green haired demon leapt back nervously. "Steady on there, are you okay?" He asked. "Anti, it's me, Dark, remember?" I asked, offering my hand. Chica stood next to me, her eyes wide and her tail wagging happily. "See? Chica's here too." Anti tilted his head, perplexed. "Do I know you?" He asked. I felt my heart break. "W-what...of course you do, I'm you're best friend." I replied with a ginger grin. Anti stared at me with that same expression of confusion, the same look he gave me when I saw him in Bob's arms. "Anti?" I asked slowly, my eyes swelling with tears. "I'm sorry, I don't know you...or maybe I do and my memory just isn't working..." He shook his head sadly. "It's that machine...that machine did this to me." He frowned. "Did what? What machine?" I quizzed. "It's not safe here, let's find somewhere where we can chat." Anti proposed. I nodded in agreement.


We looked ahead and saw a group of demons in the distance. "My clones..." Anti whispered to himself with a grin. "Follow me, Dark, c'mon!" He called, running towards the group. I turned to Chica and shrugged. "Let's go, girl."

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