Chapter Four

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"Finished, Sir." Trent smiled proudly, expecting praise from his boss. Bob gave him a smirk of approval before stepping up to the machine to inspect it. "Impressive." He commented, running his fingers over the sleek metal restraints. "So, have they found Antisepticeye yet?" Trent asked as Bob stepped back over to him. "Actually, I had another... guinea pig in mind." Bob purred, turning to look at Trent. At first he didn't realise, but by the time he did it was too late. Titan and Salvador appeared from the shadows and took him by the arms. "W-what are you doing?" Trent stuttered, struggling as they lifted him from the chair. "This could've been avoided if you'd have just done your job properly, Trent." Bob smiled, watching his two loyal guards drag him to the machine and hold him in place on the metal plate. "Please Sir, don't do this to me!" Trent pleaded, fighting their grips. Bob pressed a button and the open restraints closed around Trent's body. "Don't worry too much, you'll make a very obedient slave." Titan smirked.

As the machine whirred to life, Trent's cries and sobs filled the room. He could feel the metal restraints tightening around his body as he struggled. "Stop! I'll do anything!" He wailed, his eyes widening as the needle welding tentacles surrounded him. His cries fell on deaf ears, Bob stood back with Titan and Salvador by his side. Trent screamed on pain as the needles penetrated his body, injecting a thick green liquid into him. "Fuck! Fuck it hurts!" He roared, sweat dripping down his face and tears streaming from his eyes. "Make it stop! Stop! Please!" Titan turned to Bob with a curious expression. "This is a sure way to make sure none of your slaves turn on you, sir." He commented. Bob's eyes widened, he scooped the guard into the air like a father playing with his child and swung him around. "Indeed it is! Titan my boy, you're a genius!" He praised, setting him down gently. "That's a first." Salvador chuckled. "I am?" Titan grinned from ear to ear. "Yes! Yes you are! Salvador, call a meeting with the others, I want every demon brought here put in this machine, including Antisepticeye's clones." He ordered. Salvador saluted his master and hurried off. "And as for you my boy." Bob put his arm on Titan's shoulder. "You're my new deputy, how about that?" He grinned. Titan clapped his hands excitedly. "A promotion!" He beamed. "Exactly that, now you head downstairs to my tailor and have him make you a new uniform." Titan nodded and headed out of the door.

Bob stepped up to Trent, who was still resisting the machine as it continued to pump the liquid into him. "Comfortable?" He purred, stroking his cheek. "S-Sir...there's still t-time...t-turn it off..." Trent stuttered, struggling weakly against his restraints. "Ironic isn't it? The creator of such a marvellous machine is now a helpless victim of it? At least you can say it works." Bob smiled, watching the green liquid travel through the tubes. "P-please..." He looked into Bob's wild eyes in one last bid for freedom. "Sorry, Trent. I don't go back on my word. Ever." One last pain filled cry escaped Trent's lips before the machine climaxed, sending one last burst of the liquid into his body, permanently frying his brain. The machine fell silent and Trent slumped forward in the restraints. "Wake up my slave, speak." Bob demanded. Trent slowly lifted his head, his eyes glazed over and face pale. "Yes master?" He asked in a low, monotonous tone. "It worked! It really worked!" He beamed, staring at Trent. "Come, I have several, undesirable jobs for you." He released the restraints and took Trent by the arm. He complied and walked with Bob down the steps from the machine and towards the door.

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Anti swallowed hard, still unnerved by what he had just heard. He heard the whole ordeal, from Trent's desperate cries and pleas, to his obedient tone moments later. "It could've been me." He told himself, a feeling of relief washing over him. "At least it wasn't." He continued to clamber through the vents, stopping at every cover until he found the room that housed the clones. After a few kicks, the vent cover flew off and clattered to the floor, but none of the demons in the tanks stirred. Anti forced himself through the hole and dropped to the floor, the room was eerily quiet aside from the hum of the generators powering the tanks. He looked around at his sleeping brothers in awe, each one bearing a striking resemblance to him. "H-hi guys..." He stuttered nervously, stepping up to the nearest tank and resting his hand on the glass. "I'm so sorry, what kind of existence is this?" He asked the clone sadly. He wasn't expecting a reply but he heard a groan in response. He looked up and saw the green haired clone staring at him with wide eyes, lips parted slightly, revealing a set of sharp fangs. "You can hear me?" Anti gasped. The demon blinked slowly, indicating that he understood. "Wow..." He turned to the generator powering the tanks and clenched his fists. "I'm getting you all out of here, alright? And we're putting a stop to what Bob's doing." The other demons began to wake as Anti looked around the room. They stared at him, perplexed. Each one had been dressed in the same clothes as Anti wore, the only difference being that each t-shirt had a number stamped on the shoulder, presumably to keep track of them all. "Alright, here goes." Anti gulped, opening the door to the generator and inspecting the switches. Each switch corresponded with a number on one of the clones. He flicked the nearest one off first: #678 and a gurgling sound began to fill the room. The fluid was draining out of the bottom of the tank and the tubing was slowly being removed from the clone's body. Anti watched as the demon  stepped out of the now empty tank, the alcohol based fluid evaporating into the air. "Hello..." Anti greeted nervously, offering his hand. The demon grinned and shook it. "It's like looking in a mirror," the clone gasped, stepping closer to Anti and feeling his hair. "Are you...the first?" He asked. Anti nodded. "My DNA was extracted and used to make you guys, Bob wants to sell you all on to demon masters and make money." He explained. The clone raised his brows in surprise. "That's terrible." He gasped. "Why would anyone do that?" Anti shrugged his shoulders. "Some humans are awful, sick, people." He replied. The clone turned to the others. "We can't let that happen, are there more of us?" He asked Anti. "This whole building is full of demon slaves and prisoners." Anti replied. "Yikes." The clone gasped. "And that's why I need you guy's help, we need to put a stop to this, please." Anti looked at his clone sincerely. He nodded, a definite look on his face. "Agreed, we can't let this go on any longer." He and Anti ran to the generator and began releasing the other clones from their prisons, and one by one they showed their willing to help with putting a stop to Bob's ways. The clones gathered next to Anti, each ready to take on Bob and his henchmen. "The uprising begins now." Anti announced.

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