Chapter 2 - Of Dreams

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-- RECAP --
After getting out of prison, Anthony Devain goes to his friend Nick's house, only to discover he has moved out, something he never talked about doing. Anthony is approached by an old man named Manfred, who tells him that the house hasn't had an owner for years. They then head to a burger joint, where Manfred reveals that his family wants nothing to do with him, and that Nick seemingly wanted to meet up with Anthony after his release. Manfred tells Anthony about Harhalgh, the city of dreams, where people had disappeared after moving there. Afterwards, they head to a train station to get to Harhalgh, where they are confronted by thugs. After fighting them, Anthony finds out that they are part of a gang called Red Sun. Anthony and Manfred wonder about this gang, and eventually arrive to the city, where they look around to no avail. They find themselves in an information booth, but also have no success, but now at least have a map of the city.

-- TIME: 7:25 --

Manfred: It's getting rather late, don't you think?

Anthony: Well, we could spend a bit more time looking around.

Drunk: Heyyyyy... do any'a ya have some hiccup money that I can get a little something with?

Anthony: What kind of something?

Drunk: A beeeeEEr ya damn fool! What else would it be...

Anthony: Sorry, but I don't just give money to strangers, especially not for that!

Drunk: If ya won't gimmie a beeeeer, yer gonna paaay, pal!

Anthony: It would be better for all of us if you just went home...

Drunk: If ya won't listen, I'm gonna have 'ta TAKE the money myselfff...

The drunk throws a punch that Anthony dodges, then tries to kick him, but almost loses his balance.

Anthony: sigh If you won't listen, guess I have to stop you myself. Manfred, stand back.


Anthony hits the drunk with a punch to the body, then another punch to the jaw. When he tries to hit him with a punch straight to the face, the drunk grabs him and twists his arm. 

Anthony: Ngh!

Drunk: I'm trained in fightin' too, ya knoooow?

Anthony delivers a kick to the stomach of the drunk, and pulls his arm free. He then grabs the drunk, and punches him a few times in the face, then smashes him into the wall, rendering him unable to fight Anthony any longer.


Drunk: You beat me pretty good... 

The drunk falls unconscious, and the two gentleman go on their way. They decide to look for a place to stay, and find a hotel not far from where they were. After checking in, they head to the room where they'll be staying the night. It's a room with two beds, a nightstand for each bed, a ceiling fan, and a small library that has books guests can read. They decide to play a few rounds of poker, as Manfred had a deck of cards on him. Manfred, being pretty good at the game, won 4-2. Anthony decided that he would read a book for a while, then go to bed. The book Anthony read was about a man being targeted by some local gangs, having to fight them off. After reading the book, he decides to go to bed. As he falls asleep, he thinks about everything that happened that day, and eventually closes his eyes, getting some shut-eye. But while he's asleep, he has a dream that wakes him up, him gasping as he opens his eyes.


???: Tony... Tony...

Anthony: Huh?

???: You fell hard, Sweet Tony...

Anthony: Wait a minute, Nick?

"Nick": You let me suffer... You shall pay the price.

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