Chapter 3 - Lurking Within The Grey

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-- RECAP --
While looking for a place to live, Anthony and Manfred encounter a drunk, who Anthony beats in combat. The next day, after a night in a hotel, the now-sober Thomas Miller offers them a place for them to stay. But as it turns out, they would need to fight in a tournament in a coliseum, which ended in a draw between the two men. After waking up in their new home, they are told by Tom about a man who might just give them the information they need, who might be located at a place called Greystone Park. They decide to take a break for now, and head there the next day.


-- February 17th, 2000 - TIME: 11:25 --

Manfred: Hey Anthony, have you ever wondered what the future holds?

Anthony: It never really was on my mind, why do you ask?

Manfred: Well, back in the day I always pondered what would happen in the coming years. But things happened that I never expected. Things like the invention of the cell phone, for example. A lot can happen with time, even in a couple of years, don't you think?

Anthony: You're right on that one. Look how more modern this Nokia you gave me is compared to the StarTAC I had. So many improvements in just four years... It's crazy to think about.

Manfred: It sure is. Imagine how much phones will have changed in 10 years. 

Anthony: Probably a lot, right? Technology does improve with time, after all. Anyways, what do you say we head to the park now? See what this guy's all about.

Manfred: Sounds good. I'll meet you there in a bit, I'm craving a good burger right now, and I heard there's a Highnoon Burgers a few minutes from here.

Anthony: I see. Meet you there, then.

-- Greystone Park - TIME:  11:40 --

Anthony: (I don't even know where this man could be, or even what he looks like.)

Man: Hey, who are you? Never seen you around here.

Anthony: I'm just enjoying my time at this park.

Anthony: (The hell is this? Can't this guy mind his own business?)

Man: That's a lie! You're one of those Red Sun members trying to mess with Will!

Anthony: (So that's his name...)

Anthony: I'm not a Red Sun member. I'm just trying to meet up with this "Will" guy.

Man: What, you think I'll believe that? You aren't going to get to Will, dammit!

The man lunges at Anthony, who grabs his arm to defend. 

Man: Y-You...

Man: I'm gonna-

???: Enough, Ed.

Ed: But this guy-

???: I said, enough.

???: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Devain. My name is William Wilson, and the man who confronted you is my assistant, Ed. I've been expecting you.

Anthony: (Wilson? I feel like I've heard that name before...)

Anthony: It looks like you already know my name, William.

Will: Yes. I do have connections in this city, after all. 

Will: (I know that face...)

Will: Why don't we talk for a bit, Devain? There's a bench right over there.

Ed: Will, you trust this guy?

Will: I do. He seems familiar, is all. He looks like a guy I could trust.

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