Chapter 5 - Week's End, Mayhem's Beginning

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-- RECAP --

Anthony, who had recently found out his family no longer acknowledges his existence, heads out of the house, only to be confronted by the gang known as Red Sun. After beating them, he gets the location of their headquarters and tries to go there, only to be stopped by more thugs. 

Meanwhile with Will and Ed, they see the fight happening on the cameras they have around the city, and they inform Manfred about it over the phone. 

Meanwhile, Manfred is confronted by members of Black Void, who bring him to their masked leader. The leader tries to get Manfred to sell out Anthony, but after he declines, Manfred has to fight his way out of the Black Void base. He meets a man wielding a polearm before he can get out, however. 

Back with Anthony, he fights a higher-up in the gang, who tells him that he won't find their leader here. After heading out of the building, Anthony goes to a bar not far from there. 

Manfred, who is fighting his own battle, beats the man with a polearm, only to be surrounded by Black Void members before he can leave. Mysterious men who work with Will and Ed appear, and get Manfred out of the situation, and head to Will's base. 

Once again with Anthony, he sees Tom at the bar and plays pool with him, and orders more drinks, whilst having a conversation with him. After arriving back at the base, Anthony and the others inform each other of what happened that day. Anthony then receives a phone call, telling him to meet in front of a silver statue in 3 days. Anthony decides that he will accept this offer, even if it turns out to be a trap.

-- RECAP: END --

-- February 18th, 2000, Two days before the meet-up --

Manfred: Anthony, I was wondering if you wanted to kill some time, since you seem pretty bored just waiting around.

Anthony: Well, I suppose we can go hit the town for a bit.

Anthony and Manfred discuss places they should go in the two days before Anthony's meet-up. Manfred suggests they go golfing at a golf club. Anthony, having never tried golf, thinks it's a good idea.


Manfred: Yeah! Hole in one!

Anthony: (Damn. He's beating me on every hole.)

Manfred: Don't feel down, Anthony. This is your first time, isn't it?

Anthony: Yeah. I never really got into golf that much. My brother, however, was kind of a golfing fanatic. Even when he was kid, he loved it. Because of that, we usually went golfing on the weekends. My parents knew I wasn't really a golfer, so they let me go to the pool table that was also in the building.

Manfred: Ah, you're more of a pool person I see.

Anthony: Yeah, I still enjoy pool to this day. On the contrary, my brother grew out of his golfing phase a while back.

Manfred, Ah, I see.

Anthony and Manfred continued to go through the holes in the golf course, eventually ending with the eighteenth hole. Manfred, being more experienced at golf, won. Their next destination was an arcade just around the corner, where they spent time competing to get the highest scores.

Anthony: Looks like I won this time around.

Manfred: I never really was good with these things...

-- PERSPECTIVE: ??? --

???: So, did you schedule that meeting?

???: Of course I did. It's about two days from now.

???: Very good. You do plan on "making him disappear", right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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