Chapter 4 - Unwavering Rage

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-- RECAP --

Anthony heads to Greystone Park, where he encounters a man named Ed, who thinks he's a Red Sun member. Before they got into a fight, they were stopped by William Wilson, a person Anthony knew in secondary school. Will tells Anthony about the leader of Red Sun, who goes by the nickname Crimson Scourge. Anthony also learns about Red Sun's motives, two other gangs known as Blue Moon and Yellow Comet, Nick's attack on Will, and the organization that goes by Black Void. Will tells Anthony and Manfred that they need to search for the leader of this organization, and tells them to wait until he gets a lead. After going home, Manfred makes sandwiches for Anthony and himself, Anthony remembering a memory from his secondary school when he bites into his. Afterwards, they see Anthony's family on the tv, who act like Anthony never existed. After learning that he's now nothing to them, Anthony walks out the door, saying he needs some "time alone". Manfred decided that it was best to leave him alone during a time like this.


Anthony: (I'm pissed... how could they outcast me like that? I need to blow off some steam.)

Gangster: Hey. Aren't you the guy who messed with our gang? We're gonna kick your ass!

Anthony (with his back turned to him): I am. But you won't be laying a finger on me.

Suddenly, many members of Red Sun appear from the shadows, holding weapons such as bats, knives, and brass knuckles.

Gangster: Not so tough now, huh? Come on, look at me when I'm talking to ya!

Anthony slowly turns around, with a look of anger on his face.

Anthony: Looks like I've got quite the opportunity here. The one and only thing I thank you for.

Gangster: The hell you talking about?

The gangster tries to grab Anthony, but Anthony lets out a roar of anger and punches him square in the face, knocking him down. The other gangsters rush at Anthony, but Anthony fends them off, doing so without getting hit once. Anthony's attacks are fierce and ruthless due to the anger he currently has. More gangster come as Anthony is beating them down. But Anthony isn't yielding, and keeps going, no matter how many come to try and stop him. After beating down the last of them, he angrily asks where their leader is. The gangster stays silent so Anthony decides to punch him until he gives an answer. After almost going unconscious from the pain, the gangster said he didn't know, but he reveals the location of their headquarters.

Anthony quickly starts heading to the location, but he's stopped by more Red Sun thugs. 

Anthony: ...

Thug: You ain't getting past us.

Anthony: We'll see about that.

Anthony rushes at the thugs, and they rush at him.

-- PERSPECTIVE: Will and Ed --

While Ed is checking the cameras that are around the city, he sees the fight going on between Anthony and the members of Red Sun. Ed tells Will about it, and Will calls Manfred to inform him. Manfred says he "should've known this would happen", and asks Will if Anthony's fine. Will tells him that Anthony is "definitely handling himself well". Ed and Will watch as Anthony beats the thugs to the ground, and Ed comments that he's glad he didn't end up fighting him.

-- PERSPECTIVE: Manfred --

Manfred decides to head out of the house, and as he's walking around the city, he's greeted by a group of men who tell him to come with them. Manfred gets into a fighting stance, and tells them if they really think he's stupid. The men tell Manfred that they know he's been looking for their leader. 

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