How He/You Would Wake Him/You Up😴

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I hum happily as I enter Y/N's room.

"Good morning my dear!" I throw her curtains aside to let the sunlight in and open her window. "Its time to get up and greet the day with a SMILE!"

Y/N groans, rolling to her side. "Noooo," she mumbles, burying her face under her blankets.
I chuckle. Oh the sweet dear...

I continue to hum, going to her side of the bed and tilting my head, smile on my face.
"It's long past regular sleeping hours, darling. Now get up or else you'll get a headache."

She refuses to move.

I sigh, still smiling.
"You leave me no choice then."

I grab her blankets and throw them off of her, a trick my mom used to do when I was a boy.
She gasps, sitting up in shock, her hair bedheaded.

"There you are!" I grin, turning on my heel and walking towards her door, hands behind my back. "Breakfast is downstairs waiting for you. Do wash up and get ready! We have LOTS to do!"

I whistle a tune, smirking at the rude names she calls me behind my back.

I decide for fun, to smile in a creepy way and look over my shoulder at her.
"I can hear you, darling," I reply, which immediately makes her get OFF the bed and run into the bathroom.

I chuckle, amused by her reaction.

*BONUS: If he had thrown your covers off, and you WEREN'T
wearing PJs, he will immediately gasp, frozen for a moment before
reality smacks him in the face and he throws the
blankets over you, trying to cover you.
"S-sorry love!" he rushes out of the room, "I did NOT
mean for that!" but secretly, his face is as red
as his eyes...*



It is actually really, REALLY hard for you to wake him up, because of two things:

And 2: If you try to wake him up by touching him, his head will LITERALLY turn in such a horrific way PLUS a SCARY grin on his face, you get seriously freaked out and run out of the room.

But later, he will apologize for scaring you.

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