Imagine 13: Bad Feelings😈

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Pairing: Y/N x Alastor

*summary: Y/N gets bad feelings being around Alastor...or are they...bad desires?*

*Your POV*

"...Humanly," You hear Vaggie say, standing in Alastor's doorway with her arms crossed while five little egg bois wait at her feet, two of them smacking each other in a cat fight like way.

Alastor makes an unamused sound. "Hm, well, that's a lot less hot," he sighs, "but I'll be sure to do it on my outing today."

He walks past Vaggie, using his staff to push aside Vaggie, which she growls at softly. Her and him have always been at each other's throats ever since the sudden arrival of Alastor. Such bickering between the two...amusing sometimes, annoying most times.

Alastor hums under his breath, his boots making a clicking sound with each step he makes down the wooden flooring of the hotel. One hand is behind his back, and the other twirls his microphone staff in boredom. How could he be stuck with such idiots like the Egg Bois? Such a waste of his time...if he could crack them and serve them as omelets to the Hazbin Hotel guests, now THAT would be much more entertaining!

But...Vaggie would tell Charlie, and Alastor doesn't want the Princess to be involved.

You were walking further into the hallway, whereas Alastor was walking towards the exit. The two of your paths would cross any moment, and you aren't prepared to be shoulder to shoulder with such a man like Alastor.

Through your little time at the hotel, you've tried your best to stay away from the likes of Alastor, knowing his reputation, his...attitude. You didn't want to be the next voice on his radio show. Alastor could find any reason to slay anyone, especially if he's grown...EXTRA bored. So, knowing these crucial facts, you tend to stray away from the likes of him.

Though a certain someone has claimed that if you turn on jazz music, and give Alastor a few shots of Rye, Alastor would...become quite the kitten. But that is a theory you do not want to prove correct anytime soon.

Your eyes wander to the flooring of the hotel, before you feel the sudden shoulder to shoulder contact hit you, spinning you off your stride momentarily.

"Hey! What the fu-"

"Oh, pardon moi, darling," a charming, almost seductive, voice says, his voice static like an old 1920's radio, yet filled with such charm you feel your chest heave.

You gulp. Alastor...

You dare not raise your eyes to meet his, scared that if you give him that satisfaction, he could see into your soul and discover all its secrets. But at the same time, showing fear fuels him even more.

You force yourself to inhale an encouraging breath, meeting your eyes to his. He towers over you, so much so that he must lean down to see your face. Standing in front of him...makes you feel quite small. And it gives him more satisfaction of just how dominating he can really be.

"It-it's fine," You mutter, even though he was the one to have bumped into you, you don't dare point that out. "No harm done."

Alastor makes an amused sound in the back of his throat, his glowing crimson red eyes absorbing every detail he can see on your body.

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✔[COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin