Imagine 20: The Radio Demon👿

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Pairing: Y/N x Alastor

*summary: After the fight between Adam and Alastor, Alastor has been keeping to himself, and one day in the newly built Hazbin Hotel, Y/N approaches Alastor at the bar, only for it to end...badly.*

Requested by yunixxixxeegirl55

*Y/N's POV*

For two weeks since the new Hazbin Hotel was built, everyone was happy, cheerful, filled with a new sense of hope that this time, everything will be better in the end. could sense that there was one particular member of the hotel who appeared somewhat pleased, though faked it very well.


Something was off with him. He was more quiet--still holding his smile of course, though some days it seemed he was struggling to keep it--he spent most his time at the bar when everyone else went to sleep.

You've began to notice this pattern starting to become a habit. Out of respect, you've kept your distance from Alastor. Sometimes its best to leave people alone, but then there are times when a person feels its necessary to intervene and see what's wrong, so that they could help.

Which is exactly what you're doing tonight, when you see that Alastor is once again sitting at the bar, a bottle of whiskey to his left while he holds a shot glass in his right.

Even though you can't see his face, you sense that there is something very wrong with him. You sense...danger.
Even while you stand there staring at his back, your instincts scream at you just back away and leave him alone.

Alastor is dangerous...he could easily kill someone like you with one flick of his wrist when he wants to. But could, with caution, approach him. No one else seems to notice that he's going through something, you are the only one who does.

Maybe you could help him.

Hesitantly, you come to his side. "Hi, Alastor."

Alastor flashes a look towards your direction, his eyes appearing that of a wolf. Unpredictable.

Trying to ignore his cold gaze, you speak up again. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," he responds coldly, moving his bar stool so that he's not looking at you. "But might I ask why you are here?"
"I just...wanted to see you," you say, and he doesn't reply back.

Clearing your throat, you begin to shuffle your feet nervously. Should you just get to the point? Or is it wise to play pretend and beat around the bush for a little while?

Going against your better judgment, you decide to get straight to the point.
"Are you okay? You seem to have been acting...different since Extermination Day."

Alastor's hand subtly squeezes his shot glass, a little annoyed that you would even speak of such a topic. Nevertheless, he responds shortly.
"I am not any different then I was before Extermination Day. I highly suggest you drop the topic, too, Y/N. Or else I might get annoyed."

He delivers his words with enough threat to be heard in his tone, hoping you'll get his way of saying 'fuck off before I hurt you,' but you don't. You keep going.

"But you are, Alastor," you say, "ever since Extermination Day you seem more closed off. Was it because of Adam beating you in the fight?"

Suddenly, you feel a hand grab your throat, aggressively, tightly, causing you to yelp from the sudden clench at your throat, while instinctively one hand raises to try and pry his fingers off your neck just enough for a breath.

Though no such luck occurs.
Alastor's grip tightens, the room around you darkening, all the while his eyes glow a bright red.

"He did not BEAT me," Alastor hisses, the static in his voice barely making his words audible. "I merely LET him go and retreated."

He squeezes tighter. "If you ever say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams FOR EVERY OTHER DISRESPECTFUL WRETCH, who dares underestimates me!"

Suddenly, your tossed to the floor harshly, as if you were a piece of garbage thrown out a window on the highway.
Your neck burns from where Alastor's claws had cut your skin. Shakily, you raise a finger to touch your blood, before the tip of Alastor's cane hits the ground harshly beside you.

You look up at him, your heart pounding out of your chest as you desperately try to slither your way away from him.

He leans down. "Now, I suggest you take your leave before I decide to make you my next meal," his grin grows a little wider, "do you understand, darling?"

You nod, your throat now bone dry as your voice cracks. "Y-yes."

"Lovely," he turns, walking back to his bar stool and drink, clearly giving you his dismissal.
You scramble to get on your feet, before running out of the longue area, up the stairs to the safety of your hotel room.

You slam and lock the door, your lungs heaving as you put your back against the wall, replaying everything that happened between you and Alastor downstairs, moments ago.

Realization finally falls upon you. You once believed him to be a nice guy, fun to be around, and good company.
But those were just a mask to hide who he really is.

The Radio Demon. A wicked source of danger, an unpredictable deal maker, a monster.

You fall to your knees as one hand raises to place over your pounding heart.
You'll never trust his again after'll never approach him, or see him the same...ever again.

And deep down, that was Alastor's goal.
He wanted you to see that you mean nothing to him, that you're nothing more then a low ranked, pathetic demoness who would only stand in Alastor's way.

Downstairs, Alastor sits at the bar still, drinking some more whiskey, though a little harder than before.
How dare she? Alastor thinks to himself. Such disrespect!

You needed to be put back in your place, hence why he reacted so drastically.
Hopefully, he doesn't need to do it twice. He does hate it when he has to repeat himself.

And usually on the second time when he's forced to repeat himself, it ends...deadly.

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