The Bet😼 (Alastor's POV)

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Same imagine as imagine 15! Just in Alastor's POV!!

Pairing: Cat demon! shy! reader x Alastor!

Enjoy. Requested by Kawaiicat2

*Alastor's POV*

Hmm, a bet? Well, that sounds interesting. I'm more or less a deal type of man, but I just can't say no to my adorable kitty cat. 

She just made a claim of how long she wanted to see me go without touching her irresistible tail and kitty ears, and if I fail, then I would be forced to allow her the honor of touching my ears. 

Though I don't normally accept bets that involve the other person...touching my ears, I'm confident that I'll be able to win this, and then she won't be able to resist me anymore. I always way or another. 

"Very well," I shake her hand, "the deal is set. I'm looking forward to this darling..."

I rise to my feet, bidding her goodbye before with a twirl of my staff I walk out of the room and outside of the Hazbin Hotel. I wear a confident smile on my face. Even though this bet is quite silly and a little immature, it's entertaining, and I do love to be entertained. 

Plus, it'll be quite the feeling when I end up victorious. I need only to take my time, and soon, she will succumb, and beg me to touch her. 

Hmm, maybe I should have a little fun and deny her request of wanting to be touched when the time comes? Torture in its finest form. But deep down...I won't do that. Deep down, I see her differently than the rest. Which is why I won't play my games with her. 

I'll be true, and genuine. 


*Three days later*

THIS IS DRIVING ME MAD! It has been three days since this bet of hers was made AND SHE STILL HASN'T GIVEN UP!

I stare at her, peaking through the corner of a doorway, watching her read in silence, her ears twitching softly...her tail...moving, making me just scream on the inside. Good god how I want to touch her... I want to feel her fur in between my fingers, I want to see the flustering in her face while I do so. 

But I know that if I forfeit, then she would have to touch my ears. 

Something I vowed NEVER to happen. Though right at this moment...I'm saying to hell with it. This bet is stupid and childish, I should be able to touch her fur as much as I want, and since her reactions were always that she secretly enjoyed it, then it gives me more reason to do it. 

I approach her, sitting at her side and extending a hand to touch her warm, cuddly, soft ears. She reminds me of a stuffed animal, kind of. 

She gasps. "You lost the bet!"

I roll my eyes. "Yes yes I know, and I'm not ashamed to admit it," I smirk, continuing to caress her. I better make good use of this forfeit, knowing that in due time I'm breaking the vow I made to myself about being touched in return. 

"You remember the details of the deal, right?" she asks, her voice laced with the tone of joy, which I can't help but groan a little from the inside. 

I should have never agreed to this. I thought I was better and stronger than this! But alas, it appears my limits are her, and that some points, I'll find myself succumbing entirely to her, for her to do whatever she wants with me, and no protesting from my side. 

With an exhale, I turn towards her. "Alright, go ahead." I shut my eyes; I can't bear to have them open knowing what's about to happen.

I can literally feel her energy just beaming as she shifts, raising her hands to touch my ears. I await her touch, and soon, I feel her fingers delicately run through the fur on my ears, going down to my head, before reaching behind them and going in an upward stroke. 

I can feel my heart pounding in my ears, feel my insides twist in warm, hot, knots. And dare I say, I feel a little blush form on my cheeks which in all honesty I hope she cannot see. 

I was going to make her stop after a few seconds, but...her touch just feels too good, and I keep my lips shut, allowing her the privilege of caressing my ears and hair. Something I didn't know I even wanted until I got it. 

Now, I don't even want her to stop, but she does--all too soon--in my opinion. 

When she pulls her hands away, I open my eyes, staring at her smiling face. "Thank you," she says, giggling. 

I feel a wave of tingles flood my chest from her cuteness, and the smile on my face softens. "Your very welcome," I laugh, rising to my feet and twirling my staff, "now, if you'll excuse me, I need to pay a little visit to the tailor. Toodles, darling," I wave her goodbye, turning to leave.  

But the sudden voice in my head makes me stop, smirking a little, with my back to her. A little power of mine, hearing people's thoughts if they are strong enough to hear. And hers...I could hear them loud and clear. 

She's awfully curious to see if I have a tail. Which I very well might...

I look over my shoulder at her. The perfect time to tease. And I know that what I'll say next will make her a mess. 

"Maybe I do, and maybe...if you continue to allow me to touch your ears and adorable kitty tail, then perhaps I will allow you to take my coat off and see if I really do have a tail underneath."

I deliver my words with a slight teasing tone, yet my voice a little lowered that way I could really make her flustered to the point where it's visible. I do love to make people red, after all. Red is a color of mine...I oh so love. 

I smirk again, feeling succeeded when I see the hint of red and pink in her cheeks, before I turn and leave the room entirely. Perhaps if Y/N continues to be a good girl, then I will give her the privilege of discovery one of my mysteries. 

The mystery of if I actually have a tail. 


Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✔[COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon