Chap. 2

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°Aaliyah's pov°

Today is our last test and also the night of our party.

I was kind of excited but stressed.

My mom and Aria's mother met last night and decided it would be great if we flew on the same plane.

I don't know how they met but my mom told me everything.

"I met you're roomates mom in victoria's secret, she said her husband works with me and I didn't know who he was so I obviously asked and turns out they're going to the same ball as us, since her husband works for Mr. Hernandez, anyway bye mija you have to study now and ace that test tomorrow."

Was all I could remember.

"What's on you're mind?" Aria asked me.

"Tonight's party and what I'm going to wear.'' I said looking at her.

"I was thinking we should wear those matching black dresses we bought last week." Aria said handing me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah that could work." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

I forgot I bought that black dress last week.

"I want to lose my virginity to a cute guy at the ball." Aria said out of nowhere.

"What why?" I ask.

What I'm curious.

"Cause I've been feeling horny lately." She said casually taking a sip of her coffee.

The room just went silent.

"You know I want really rough sex, like I want him pounding into m-STOP!" I said immediatly cutting her off.

"Bitch you're so out of pocket and I love it.'' I said laughing.

"Anyway back to what I was saying, I want him to fuck me hard like I'm his property." She said.

"I hope you find that guy." I said.

We finished our coffee and went to write our last test.

"Okay people, kids, babies whatever you want to be called, this is your last test for the semester so do you're best, I don't want you in my class again next year." Mrs. Darcy said.

She handed us our paper and this motherfucker was thicker than the last one.

The test started off easy but bitch when I tell you that I had to write a whole motherfucking paragraph explaining a motherfucking surgery.

I finished my test and layed my head on my arms.


I feel tired.

Our tests got taken up and we left class.

They dismissed us earlier cause we have no other shit to do.

I went to our dorm room and immediatly fell down on my bed.

I fell asleep in my thoughts.


I felt someone tap my shoulder softly.

"Are you coming to the party?" Aria asked.

I nodded and got ready.

We showed up at the party and I was ready to get drunk.

"Well I got to go." Aria said while looking at Jacob the most good looking guy here.

"Well go." I said smiling.

She went up to him and I made my way over to the drinks.

I got a cup and poured it to the brim with vodka and some Sprite.

My Life Through My Eyes Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now