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Aaliyah's pov•

I woke up to a pounding headache and Aria sounding like a dying cat singing Drunk in Love by Beyonce.

She was busy packing her stuff.

I wonder why.

"Morning." I said sitting up.

"Morning." Aria said.

"Why are you packing?" I asked her taking my phonr from the nightstand beside my bed.

"We're leaving today for LA remember, oh and I put a glass of water and a painkiller for you on you're study desk." Aria said looking at me.

"Oh thank you." I said getting up.

I got a text from my mom saying she's landing in about 2 hours.

I went to take a shower and packed my stuff.

"Hi girls." I heard as soon as the door swung open.

"Ma!" I sqealed and gave her a hug.

"Hi Auntie." Aria said giving her a hug too.

Aria met my mom on the first day I moved into my dorm room.

"Are you girls ready?" Mom asked us.

"Yup." I said taking my suitcase.

"Okay then, lets go." Mom said walking out the door.

We followed behind her and walked to the Rolls Royce she came in.

As we got closer to the car I noticed that there was a lady sitting in the passenger seat.

I assumed it must be one of her employees or friends she invited.

We put our bags in the car and Aria got in first.

"Mom!" I heard her squeal.

"That was my surprise for Aria." My mom said getting into the drivers seat.

"Aww how sweet of you mom." I said smiling as I got in the car.

"Hi Auntie Valentina." I said greeting her.

"Hi darling." She said smiling at me.

I would give her a hug but we're in the car.

"Okay so both of you girls have another gift you'll get in LA." My mom said.

Another gift?

I wonder what it could be.

We arrived at the airport in New York, I chose to go to UCLA cause it's closer to my mom.

I don't even know why i gave that piece of information.

We got to our plane and I was ready to take a nap.

As soon as Aria and I sat down we fell asleep.

I'm suprised I'm not hungover but I am tired as fuck.


Aria woke me up and told me she ordered some food.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

Our food came and when I tell you it tasted like straight up ass.

"I know your head hurts so I brought some pain killers." I said taking the pain killers from my pocket.

"Thank you mama, your a life saver." Aria said groaning.

"You two have been asleep for 6hours, were landing in a few minutes." My mom said.

"Can you wake us up when we land?" I asked.

My Life Through My Eyes Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now