CH-2. will it all be ok?

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The next day, the sun rose but not in her life. She was preparing her mind for the worst. All of her friends knew, they were with her but what's use when you yourself can't help yourself then how can others do it for you? Her mother was appointed to meet the Principal at 9. She was nervous no matter what she showed to others. When a non-teaching stuff came to our floor, she said" Principal is calling Radha." Her heart started thumbing blood so fast, that she was able to hear was the heartbeat, very single beat. Her mind became deaf to the surroundings she didn't even heard when her friends tried to cheer and wished her "All the Best". As she was walking, her legs felt like jelly. She didn't want to go but it was if her legs were not in her control. She saw the banner outside the room, it stated "PRINCIPAL'S". Radha asked before entering, "Miss, may I come in?"

She entered the room and stood in silence. The silence scared the soul out of her. This was the very first time, never in her life she disobey or did anything wrong. But this time the history changed. The principal glared and said, "The way your daughter disrespected me, no one in my entire career did. No one had the audacity but her." Her mind wandered to the past events to find where and at which point she disrespect her. She wasn't able to think and she knew that if she started talking the situation might get worse. Yes, yesterday she did eye contact and talked like that's how a conversation works, right?

"What was the necessity to carry a phone in school? She told that she needed to inform her parents about her safety. Is your daughter that bad that she has to inform about her safety". Radha was speechless about the fact that how much ashamed her mother must have felt at that moment. She found herself to be aggressive because of the injustice. Because this raises a question mark to her character.

She wanted to never exist because she always wanted to be the crown of their parents, not their scar? But she didn't her life turned upside down in this way. Thank God, her sister was not there at that moment otherwise she could have just committed suicide. This was just a small obstacle, she knew but this was what she did not deserve. Principal said," We don't want this type of girls in our school; we will provide you with transfer certificate. You can transfer her into another school." Her mother pleaded and that's when her heart broke into million pieces. At that point, she hated herself so bad. Radha wrote a letter for apology where principal miss declared, "If repeated, she will be suspended." Principal returned the phone; people might think it's the end. But she knew it very well, it's not.

The trauma had just started. Anjali Ma'am told my mother that Radha and Krrish are friends and she shouldn't talk to him. They also complained she had an attitude. She came back home and sat processing the things and the cold rude treatment that she was getting. She was emotionless that moment, she don't know how to feel because all this gave her a bad reputation. From next day, it changes everything, their friendship, her personality and everything.

Radha whispered to herself, "I will never forget this incident."

She is now grounded with no phone, she went to tuition and she sat feeling exhausted and tired from her daily life. She put her head on the table. It was winter going, she felt sleepy because she wasn't able to sleep properly for a two days now. The wounds are deep but with time it will heal. Sristi gave her phone because she knows how she is surviving. She scrolled Instagram but it was giving her no fun.

Suddenly, another tuition mate entered. He sat and asked me, "What happened to your phone?" Radha said but did not bother to look up, "Nothing just caused a bit trouble and got little brave and clicked pictures in the class, and yes I got caught." "Then?" Now she looked up and answered, "Then what Wrieck? My parents got called and I got scolded, grounded and my father checked my messages each and everyone from all contacts. He even tried to say that I'm Characterless." She stopped and breathed. Wrieck said, "All this happened just because of that one phone." Radha didn't know why this sentence overwhelmed her, and she dared herself not to show herself weak. "Yes, maybe", She mumbled to herself.

Yes, Wrieck is that guy who carries humor as his crown and smile as his sword. He was so tall, tall enough to dominate anyone but his eyes shines like sun, it was brown like chocolate and his heart was more pure than the Ganga itself. He was so different from this generation. He was handsome like moon and yes it was epitome of whole divinity and it was a deadly combination to meet sun in his eyes and met the moon on his face and his heart was full of the milky way stars. His nature and presence was enough to lit the lamp in the heart of Radha. But his biggest strength is the respect that he gives to everyone. He was such a gentlemen. When he smiles it seems like the world had just stopped revolving and all the meteors showers falls for him.

Radha and Wrieck are just friends. Sometimes, Radha gives him advice. One day when Wrieck was depressed, Radha said a memorable statement which was lifting up his mood. "They say there is someone who is born for you. And that someone will not be happy to see you like this." Radha is the type of person who gives the best advice and consoles everyone but the sometimes she herself needs someone who can tells her the words she told others. But all she got was dead silence. Wrieck has a playful personality; he is completely extrovert when Radha is an ambivert.

After tuition, Wrieck said, "Wanna drink a cup of tea? It's my treat." Radha said yes, she also needed a break. They all walked to the tea stall which was just few miles away. The environment was literally peaceful. The cold winter night and when the full moon was shining at the top and the trio walked- Radha, Wrieck and another friend, Akash. Wrieck give her a cup and she looked at the cup, asking herself that she doesn't like tea much but why is she drinking it? Maybe it will work as a pain relief. This was the first time she drank tea outside her house and that's also with Wrieck. "He is a good person", she knew.

"We all are characters,

Who are fulfilling their part in everyone's story?

Sometimes the chapter doesn't end with a full stop.

Sometimes, it's a three dotted line.

With time every incident reveals its purpose.

So, what are we afraid of?"


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