Ch-3. When two tangents meet each other

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Slowly, with time the wounds are closing, she was healing steadily. It was few hours before her birthday, it was 10 pm. Radha's mood swings are going well and she can't help but to be rude with people. What can you expect from someone who was punished for the deeds which she didn't? All this was a lot to take in. While arguing with her father, she got a hit from her father when he threw the plate and it left a bump on the upper lip. She looked at the mirror, and realised, "So, this is my birthday gift this year." She went to sleep.

Today was her birthday; she woke up at 3.45am and opened the phone to see whether anyone cared to wish her. Sania and Sneha did, it gave her satisfaction but no happiness. And in the morning, she went to school. At night, she cut her cake and smiled to the camera, she asked to herself, "Are you really happy?" It was 16th birthday.

It was Christmas; Radha always liked to dance and as these are the last years in school. She would like to live and enjoy the best. She thought to participate in dance. She got partnered in dance with some random junior boys. She liked to dance because whenever she danced she felt everything was alright, but to her misfortune she never got to be trained.

In Accounts class she didn't went as her teacher would not allow. She was not alone there was Pari too, but she was not in couple dance. After completing her studies she went to the dance stadium and yes, they were practicing. She smiled and saw the dance teacher was reviewing the dance. She waved to Soli, and saw her place which was replaced by Ahana. She cornered Soli and asked, "What's happening?" Soli's voice was a bit saddened, "When you were no here, Ahana took your place." "But why? Without my permission?" She was silent. Drop-dead silent, it broke her from inside. Her eyes didn't expressed emotions like they were dead. She was more than happy all day and no one noticed her pain. She went back home and the walls knew what she was waiting for her? As she bid to her mom and sister, she closed the door. She was now alone, her terrified and broken scream echoed, "Why God? Why? Am I that easy to be replaced? No one understands me here. Not even my parents, friends understand me, Krishna." She broke down in front of the God. Her heart aching, her life's intention was becoming blurring and she was losing all her hopes and that's when Krishna healed her.

That was the end of the year 2022, a year with many memories. Radha wrote in her diary," I'm thankful to all memories and each and every person. I'm always grateful for the time which I got to spend this year because any experience either made me smile, realise, learn and grow. Everything happens for good. But I'm afraid of time. There is whole book left to unfold. The story has just started and it will have many genres. I hope we all grow and be happy. I acknowledge everyone who helped me to make me what I'm today. And I'm ready to see where my life takes me."

"Whenever you lose your hopes

And believes in love.

Love in any form will try to find you

And make you realise again,

Love is everywhere."

Radha went to tuition one day; she was contented with her life at that moment, because finals were knocking at the door. She actually now seemed a bit different, she laughs, giggles like sadness had never touched her life. Sometimes some people tries to laugh when they should cry, she thought if she couldn't help herself, no one can. And that's why she tried to be healer instead of being a hunter. She used to write poetries about love. The kind of love she dreamt of was too fake for this real world. She was a writer who pours her buried emotion in the pages of her diary. There was a whole world of love inside her diary which her school friends knew but in the tuition there were many students from different school. It had being a year since she joined this tuition.

She put the bag down and started talking with her friends. Here, she was talking with Shristi and Dhanya. Radha pulled out her diary to read out her poems written by her. She started to read, "That bond where..."

She got interrupted by Wrieck who said, "Are you in love?" She immediately said, "No". He then snatched her diary and when she about to take it back. Sir came and the whole time the diary was with him. Radha was sure that he was not listening to a single thing sir said. He was reading her poems, he kept his head low and the diary was on his lap. Radha was insecure about her writings because for her it was not just words, it was her emotions, thoughts, vision, her power of loving and the longing to be loved. She was not at peace and of course, she was not concentrating on the sums which sir was explaining. At last, her prayers were answered; sir went out for a break. She said, "Give me my diary." "Wait, I'm reading", replied Wrieck as he turned the page. Radha questioned, "Are you reading each and every single poem?" She was triggered. She got an answer "Yes, they are so good." She now can't do anything. To divert her mind, she started talking with her friends and she again got interrupted by a question which caught her off guard, "Do you have a boyfriend?" Wrieck spelled out loud, loud enough to be heard by the whole group of people. Radha was flushed and she laughed awkwardly and said, "No." And soon everyone was teasing Wrieck and asking him, "why are you interested, Wrieck?" He was like no, it's not like that.

After tuition, when everyone stepped out. She asked for her diary. Wrieck said, "Please Bhai, let me just touch your feet once." He started to kneel and she was surprised, "No, why?" For her touching her feet, was not like something she deserved. We all bow in front of the elders or the divine powers and for her; she was just a mere human, who doesn't deserve to receive that respect. He replied, "Your writings are purely a power and in front of that, I want to bow." She felt something, like she was worth it. Radha allowed Wrieck to post only one of her poems. Wrieck put it in his story and what catches her attention was the caption, which said, "She is that season which never changes no matter how big the storms came. I have never seen her sad or morsed, she always remains cheerful. May be it's a mask to cover her feeling. If that's the case keep wearing the mask. Maybe it's the write-ups which helps you keep wearing the mask."

She felt vulnerable and exposed but at the same time being understood. Somehow, these feared her the most because she was afraid of something she couldn't explain. She never knew how someone can understand her so accurately. He was different from others and she realised it, that day. There was something suspicious and more depth to the ocean which she wanted to know, she knew she had to be careful otherwise, she would get drowned.

"She was a healer among the group of hunters.

She was a river who wants to find her ocean.

But what if she opens up to someone new?

And gets to know what real companion feels like."


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