Marcel led Elena into the hospital where Caroline was. They arrived at the room and Elena stopped dead in her tracks. "Mom." She had not expected to see her here she knew that her uncle had said she would be back but she didn't think it would be this soon.

Jo turned toward Elena holding Lizzie. "Elena." She knew she was showing up today but she hadn't been ready for it.

"Surprise." Marcel smiled he figured that this would be a good surprise for her to help her get her spirits. up.

Elena turned towards him she had racked her brain trying to figure out what the surprise could be but she had never imagined this. "This was the surprise."

"Yeah." He had been scared what her reaction would be. He moved over to Jo figuring the two needed to talk. "Let me take her."

"Thank you."

He careful took Lizzie going to sit in the chair besides Caroline who was holding Josie. 

"It's nice to see you, Elena." Jo knew that her daughter could react a few different ways and she wanted to ease into it.

"I was scared the spell wasn't going to work." She knew that her uncle was going to do the spell but she new that it wasn't always reliable and thought that he was going to be screwed. 

"It did I'm fine." Jo had been surprised her brother had been the one to bring her back after he killed her. But then she learned that it had been for Elena and understood why he had done it and was thankful for that. She hadn't gotten to know her daughter long and she didn't want to miss the chance.

"Can I?" Elena took a few steps closer not wanting to make her uncomfortable. 


Elena went and hugged her mom not wanting to let her go. She was happy to have her back. "I'm glad your back mom."

"I am too." She couldn't lose her baby girl again. 

She let her go as Jo nodded over to Caroline she went and stood next to her best friend. She was happy to see her smiling from what she knew about her best friend she could assume that she had been overthinking everything. "Hey how you feeling?"

"Good how are you?" Caroline was happy to see her ok she had been so scared that she was going to die in that building. 

"Better." Elena promised she knew that the last 24 hours had been scary for the both of them.

"I thought you were going to die."

"Naw not this time." She wasn't leaving just yet and if she did she'd make her way back.


"What are their names?"

"Josette Alexia Parker"

"Elizabeth Jenna Parker"



Elena walked into the compound with her dad it was time for her to question her aunt about what had happened. "I'll be right up."


Elena flashed to Freya's room knocking on the door. "Come in."

She opened the door walking in and closing the door behind her. She smiled looking at Freya who was going through a spellbook. "Hi."

Freya looked up from her spell book looking over at Elena. She was sure that she should have been still at the house resting after yesterday. "What are you doing here shouldn't you be resting?"

"My aunt has been found i need to see what she has been up to." Elena needed to find out what she had been doing and why she had been doing it.


"I wanted to ask movie night tonight my place." if they were going to try this she wanted to make sure that they did it right. 

"Sounds fun."

"See you tonight."

"See ya."

She flashed into the parlor where they were holding her aunt seeing her dad uncle Klaus and Kol. She knew if they were all in one room that it would be interesting. "This looks fun."

"Elena." LIv smiled she was happy her niece was finally here she needed to talk to her. 

"I'm guessing your the one who tried to kill me." Elena asked she didn't think anyone else was 

"I was aiming for the blonde." Liv had no intentions of hurting her niece but instead, the blonde carrying her other nieces. She knew the danger they would be in and didn't want it to happen.

Elena scoffed she didn't want to hear anything about that she knew what she was doing when she did that.  "You were aiming for your bloodline her blood runs through my veins too."

"I forgot about that." Liv hadn't meant any harm to her but she knew what happened being a gemini twin and she didn't wish that on her worst enemy. 

"How convenient?"

"I hear you scored that blonde." She had knew that her niece was after all there was no way she wouldn't have. 

"Olivia." Elena warned she was not doing this with her right now. "I should just kill you shouldn't i."

"No you shouldn't you should let me live." Olivia really didn't want to be killed by her niece after already surviving her brother.

"And why would i do that?" Elena asked she didn't get why she should.

"Because I'm your aunt?"

"Doesn't really bother me." Elena shrugged she wouldn't care if she wasn't here anymore. "Your going to leave and not show your face again and if you come back I'll kill you. Let her go." Elena turned and walked out.


After getting the twins to sleep in their new nurseries Elena had given Jo a room and started to prepare for her movie ngith with Freya. She heard a knock at the door going to get it. "Hi."


"Come on in." Elena opened the door letting her walk in.

"You did this."

"Figured first date i wanted to make it magical." She had put candles throughout the entire apartment dimmed the lights rose petals she had wanted to make this special.

"Well it definitely is."

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