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Kashvi's POV

Taking into consideration the traffic scenes, it will take me a maximum of 20 minutes to reach the office. I turned on the car radio to listen to some music for the rest of the journey. A random rap song hit my ears as soon as I tuned in to the music. I scrunched my face listening to the same.

Irritated by the song, I changed the channel in the hope of listening to some actual quality music. I changed a total of 7 channels. Yes, I counted. All the time some random singer was jabbering fluky words, most of which included getting drunk, making out, going out clubbing, and other illogical scenarios.

What exactly is wrong with people these days? Who is even listening to this? Even I can write better lyrics than this trash.

Taking a sigh, I turned it off. I was hoping to listen to some light and fluffy music to make myself feel better but I guess I'm not privileged enough today to do that.

"Good morning Rashi" I greeted the woman sitting behind the admin desk of our office, to which she instantly replied to me with a smiling face.

I don't think I have the same amount of respect and admiration for anyone in the whole office the way I have for Rashi. It takes a hell lot of effort and courage to welcome hundreds of people every day, that too with a smiling face. Doesn't her mouth hurt at night after such a long day of smiling?

As soon as I walked into my cabin, I began my day. The clients who were awaiting my acknowledgment on the current projects sent me several emails. As a team, we currently manage around fifteen clients, which is a significant amount, and last month we received projects from three clients internationally as well.

As a team head, I'm excited and thrilled by the fact that we are going to work for international clients but because of the constant workload it's getting difficult for me to manage every single client solely.

I've addressed this issue with the HR department and have requested them to hire a new team lead at the earliest, who can work along with me to manage the team and our clients efficiently.

The day went by as usual and for some unknown reasons, my head was blasting with constant ache. Even after chugging five cups of coffee till now didn't help with it either.

I was busy wrapping up the final tasks for the day so that I could go home and rest when I heard a knock on my door.

Who could it be now?

"Hey. Do you have two minutes to spare?" I don't even have to look up to guess who it is. I know this pathetic voice. Mr Neel Awasthi, the head of the finance department is here to grace me with his unavoidable and awful presence.

"I'm sorry Neel but right now I can't handle two headaches at the same time." I replied in an annoyed tone.

"Well, Good evening to you too Ms Sen" he said with his signature smile.

I don't remember permitting him to enter my cabin though.

Ladies and gentlemen, this man right here is the official migraine of my life.

I hope I had the option to shut the mouths of some people just by a single click, through a remote, or anything like that. And this man right here tops the list. I don't have any idea how his teammates are bearing with him.

Well if you ask me about the reason for my hatred which I have for Neel, I don't think I will be able to give you a single answer for that. Although I'll share the most awful thing about him, that is his constant flirting. This man right here has no self-respect and has the special ability to turn any normal conversation into a romantic path.

I attempted to ignore his frequent flirtatious remarks at first, figuring they were just a joke, but this shameless man persisted in asking me out on a date. I turned down his offer in a very polite and professional way, but apparently, Neel and respect don't go together. I'm done with his daily babble now and intend to respond to him as resentfully as I can.

"In a bad mood I see, but the charm is still grazing the pretty face of yours. How did you get to be so beautiful?" Ah, here we go again.

"I guess I must've been given your share" I replied with a frown.

"I hope you are aware that women are dying to have a word with me." He said while sitting on the empty chair in front of my desk.
I sincerely hope the chair's leg breaks at this very moment.

"That's something new. Here I am dying after having a word with you." I spoke while shutting down my computer.

"Actually, I wanted to discuss your department's budget for this quarter. Shall we?"

He could've emailed me the same.

"Sorry Neel, the working hours are nearly over now. Let's analyze this tomorrow. Have a good day." I scurried out without waiting for his response. I don't have the energy today to deal with more of his flirty remarks.

I was making my way to the parking area when a message popped up on my phone's screen. "I am coming over. Don't you dare take your ass somewhere else". Without even my knowing, a smile made it to my face.

Although the day was awful, it will conclude in a happier mood now.

Hey Lovelies!!

So this was the second chapter for you guys.

What are your thoughts on Neel? Is he irritating you guys in the same way as Kashvi?

Lets meet in the next update.

With Love,


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