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The horny man keeps tracing his fingers over the curve of my butt, underneath my underwear, as we rattle along in the wooden donkey cart. Despite the other person swatting at his hand every few minutes, he refuses to stop.

"Toby, stop you sick delinquent."

Toby only rubs faster, kneading my ass like a piece of pizza dough.

"Now you know my name it's best if we give away Eamonn's name too, right? And what we'll do with you. If your siblings don't give us money willingly, we'll kill you." Toby lets go finally, and I almost relax, but at his words I stiffen again.

"Don't please. I really don't want trouble."

"Don't listen to him, he has a nasty sense of humour." Eamonn winks at me and his onyx eyes glint in the moonlight and the light of the torch. I think I must be drooling because he gently wipes my lip with his rough thumb.

"You should definitely listen when i tell you you're so squishy. Here, feel me and you'll see." Toby tries to put my hand on his lap, tugging harder at his pants.

"I'm not gay!" I pull away sharply. 

They both laugh at me this time and I stare indignantly at Eamonn. I thought he was on my side.

"Everyone is bisexual in the world. It's been proven." Toby is crying from laughter, his hand in his pants, pulling his floppy fish out. 

He starts to pump it up and down as he shoves a piece of paper at me.

"Write everything I say. Dear Siblings Of Staffan... Why aren't you writing?"

I was hoping they were joking. They seem so jolly and funny and good hearted. Why would they want to kill me? 

"Come on, write. $5000 in coins. $20 in bills. $150$ in $10 bills and $100 in 5$ in coins. After 2-4 days we will inform you where to deliver the money. We are warning you not to call the police or make anything public- don't be afraid about Staffan- keeping care of him day and night, and keeping him nice and har-" 

Eamonn cuts him off, swiping at his bicep. "We can't write that stupid, they'll think it's a joke."

"Well what do you propose?"

"We are interested to send him back in good health if you cooperate. Looking forward to your money... love Abandon?"

"Love Abandon? Are we a rock band?"

"It'll be our criminal name. Everyone has a nickname." Eamonn then casually stabs me in the neck with the pen.

I scream, as blood pours. It hurt so much but they ignore me. Eamonn keeps dipping the pen in my wound as he scribbles, like I'm an inkwell for his use.

"There. Now we have to seal it. What's your address, Sti?"

They'll never get it out of me.

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