Chapter 4: The Girlfriend

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It took the whole day for Fourth to feel better and it was only two days later he was back to his own energetic self again. It was so weird to see him so still and so silent like that. He would always jump around, inspect things and ask about anything and everything around him so this unseen face of his made Gemini feel really powerless. It made him worried out of his mind to watch Fourth like that, holding onto Gemini's arm and keeping his gaze fixated at one spot like his battery died out.

Gemini tried to ask him about how he knew about the accident but his answer was the same as the one he'd given at their blind date, 'he had good intuition'. That didn't explain anything and was too weak for a proper answer but Gemini didn't think too hard about it, as he only wanted his husband to feel good again. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get rid of the image of Fourth looking so afraid and vulnerable on the asphalt, asking for a hug. Now his only goal was to make sure that scene never happened again.

And the fact that he was in that condition because he was scared of not being able to protect Gemini was even more devastating. They knew each other for only a few days, how could he be so protective already? Not that Gemini could blame him, though. He himself was in urgent need to find that car and put nails in its tires for making his husband so scared like that.

When Fourth was back to shining like the sun itself in the house again, everything suddenly changed to a better shape. The shadows in the house disappeared, the air became fresher, the plants popped new sprouts and even Sugar seemed to be in a good mood. When Pintira entered the house that morning, the first thing she said was, "Is it less cloudy today? It looks brighter here.". And there were no clouds in the sky for the past few days, everybody knew.

Was Fourth's presence that big in their lives? Was he already an unremovable piece in the house?

That was a scary thought for Gemini.

A few more weeks passed after that. The buzz about their marriage was slowly dying down but they somehow had fanclubs around the world now. People had too much free time, Gemini guessed. Because who would ship an already married couple? They were even sending gifts to their house and it felt really weird for Gemini but seeing Fourth so happy every time a new package got delivered, he decided to not do anything to stop them. Now the unopened packages were piling up to a big mountain in the guest room.

His mother and the other close relatives were still silent. His siblings called to make sure he was okay and happy but they both wanted to meet Fourth to decide if they could believe his marriage was actually real. It seemed like everybody was looking forward to the ball and especially their attendance as a couple. Probably his mother was included in that. Gemini knew they had to attend but it made his stomach crumble with uneasiness. He wished there was a way to get out of it.

As the days went on and the date for the ball came closer and closer, the biggest change in their lives was Fourth starting his courses. Now he was gone during the day and would come back right before dinner at night. He was supposed to be very exhausted, as it was just the beginning of his classes; but he always had a big smile and so many things to tell Gemini about the things he did that day.

He always woke up early, fed the cat and sat outside in the front yard until Pintira came. Then he would help her prepare breakfast, wake Gemini up so they could eat together and chatter about most random things at the table. After that Gemini would drop him at his classes and Fourth would kiss his cheek as a thank you before hopping off the car.

Gemini was at school during the day so it was okay but waiting for Fourth to come back in the evenings was hard. He wanted to pick him up but his husband always refused, saying he wanted to take the bus, because apparently he always saw interesting things on the way home. But it took almost an hour for him to arrive home, and it was kind of worrisome to imagine him being alone out there. He knew nothing about the world, someone could easily trick him into doing something bad. What if he got pickpocketed? What if he got lost? What if he got hurt, or worse, what if he had a problem with his brain again? Who would help him? Who would let Gemini know?

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