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After the defeat of Orochi the sirens finally take enterprise as a serious threat and not just another inconvenience in their plans, so they hatch  brilliant plan. They frame the carrier for the death of a task force out patrolling, and somehow in some way it works.

Belfast confronted a very confused enterprise and when she denied the crime the maid knocks her out. When she woke up she was in chains attached to a giant anchor very close to the edge of a cliff a few meters over the water with several ship girls watching

Enterprise: (thoughts) Are they gonna drown me?!?!?!

Belfast: this is your last chance miss if you confess you can at least dodge death.

Enterprise: But I didn't do anything

Yorktown: that's what I though you'd say.

With that Enterprise and the anchor she was tied to were thrown into the sea the carrier tried in vain to get out, but in the end after letting out a final gasp, she was gone. At least for now


Enterprise: I'm alive?! But where am I

The carrier looked around and saw a person not quite visible since it was so dark, they had a black business suit and there was a plunger strapped to their back like a sword.

Enterprise: who are you?

???: oh how rude of me let me introduce myself

The fortune turns on a lantern revealing they had a camera for a head

Enterprise: what the!

Plunger Camera: my real name is a tongue twister so to keep it simple just call me cameraman.

Enterprise: o...ok so how did I end up here

Plunger camera: I see everything interesting going on I noticed you in the ocean tied to an anchor and drowning so I teleported you here and got the water out of your lungs... don't ask how.

Enterprise: what is this place anyway what don't I know about you

Camera: there's some stuff my closest friends don't know about me. So tell me how did it you end up in that situation.

Enterprise: *Mad* I was accused of something I didn't do and drowning was how I was supposed to be executed.

Camera: I see say how about you make a deal, I'll bring you back home and you can either try to clear your name or get revenge?

Enterprise: really no catch

Camera: no catch, what can I say I'm board and I want something to entertain me, you'll need this.

Enterprise: my rigging but how did you-

Camera: like I said there's some stuff no one not even my closest friends know about me. Now

Plunger cameraman snapped his fingers and a portal opened up leading back to the ocean.

Camera: before you go I will allow you to take any treasures from my collection to achieve your goals

Enterprise: I don't know how to thank you

Camera: no need to thank me now go on

With that Enty picks some stuff from cameraman's vast collection and hops through the portal.

Enterprise: well well well I thought we were all friends and family and yet you kill me without a second thought, and now I can have my revenge.

Revenge or Redemption?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin