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A few months later

Back at base purifier was attacking again and this time things were different as she revealed that they framed enterprise for what they did leaving the whole base in shocked silence.

Purifier: Haha you're all so stupid now one your most powerful assets is gone and we didn't have to lift a finger, so thanks for that. *teleports out*

Enterprise: *hiding behind a rock* so they know what really happened now, oh well too late for apologies now.

After the fight nobody was in the mood to do anything and went back to the dorms, everyone just sat in bed lost in thought, except Yorktown who was having a mental breakdown.

Meanwhile enterprise was also in the dorms checking out something

Enterprise: this used to be my bedroom, now it's just a storage closet

*looks out the window to the scrap yard her ship was in a dry dock rusty, falling apart, and covered in spray paint spelling out insults.* just as I thought it would look, I'm surprised it's not worse.

Later at night Enterprise was standing on the cliff where she almost died when she here's footsteps coming up the hill, she quickly jumps in the water and sails behind a rock.

Looking up she saw Yorktown standing on the cliff holding something in her hand, then Enterprise realizes it was the flower she'd gotten for Yorktown when they were little

Yorktown: I'm so sorry Enty, I don't deserve this *drops the flower into the sea*

After Yorktown left Enterprise picks the bobbing flower up from the water, it was a beautiful sapphire blue rose and she'd gotten it just for her sister. After looking at it for a few seconds she pins the flower to her coat, and leaves the scene.

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