So-Called Alpha

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Scott has to admit that she feels pretty fricking complete as an Alpha right now. Of course, she could be a whole lot more complete if Derek was here, too, but he’s busy helping Noah and Parrish (possibly Peter, too), and Scott is just so happy right now to have pretty much all of her pack surrounding her as they introduce their newest member.

And the fact that she even got Liam to stop running away from her is a goddamn miracle in her eyes. It was only a few hours ago that she and Stiles were chasing him through the town. And now, he’s not only come with her to Lydia’s lake house of his own free will (even though she totally lied to him to get him here...), but he’s also already taunting Stiles pretty openly and shamelessly (and kind of hilariously...)

Though, it still makes her flinch when Liam scoffs and says, “Great, so, did she bite you all, too? Is there anybody here who isn’t a monster because of Scott?”

There’s a shocked and rather awkward pause between the entire group.

Kira fidgets uncomfortably.

Malia looks surprised.

Stiles’ mouth falls open in a silent sputter.

Though, Lydia looks more annoyed than anyone else as she scoffs and steps forward to Liam and points a firm finger at him as she tells him, “You are actually the first person Scott has ever bitten. You don’t know how lucky you are that a werewolf like her even bit you, because a lot of them would have just let you fall to your doom, like a lot of humans also would have. Scott is not a monster–God, help me, I can’t believe I’m the one saying this, but–she’s a damn hero, and the only ones who even know she saves this town’s ass on the regular are the people who love her and know her the most. And just so you know, when Scott was bitten, she really didn’t have a choice, and the one who bit her tried to get her to kill for him, like a lot of Alphas do, but Scott never complained about any of it, not once. So, if you will please quit it with the hormonal teenage sass, that would be great for headache. Thanks. Now, if you’ll ALL excuse me, I need a frigging drink before my next banshee vision or whatever.”

Stiles smirks as he watches Lydia storm into the kitchen with a huff and a dramatic flick of her hair.

Liam’s annoyed scowl lingers on the redhead, though, dramatically falters when he sees Scott looking genuinely sad and guilty, even after her friend’s nice words about her.

Kira places a hand on Scott’s shoulder, offering a bright smile when the she wolf looks at her–and she feels tingling inside her heart and belly when she gets a flash of that cute little lopsided smile in return.

Malia scowls, too, slightly annoyed with Liam when she plainly tells him, “Scott saved me from being shot by my own dad, and she taught me how to transform back into my human form so that I wouldn’t end up living my days out alone in the forest.”

Stiles looks pleasantly surprised, almost touched by the coyote’s words, because he knows how much she actually loved living in the forest (she just hates the reason she ended up there.) He grins when he sees Scotty’s soft smile.

Liam is about to reply when Malia suddenly lurches forward, clutching at her waist with a grunt of pain. He automatically reaches out to catch her, but thankfully Stiles catches her first and gently hauls her back against his chest.

“Stiles, it’s coming...” Malia pants out, leaning her head back against his shoulder.

“Just breathe. I’m not gonna leave you.” Stiles mumbles softly into her hair.

Liam’s eyes widen with confused horror. He notices Scott eyeing him with concern. His eyes widen even more when he sees Lydia coming over to dump a heavy duffel bag at Stiles’ feet, and Lydia then pulls a thick set of chains out, handing them to Stiles.

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