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"That's the last of it man. Don't expect me to unpack for you." Said Sam as he set the last piece of furniture in Bucky's apartment, an armchair. After the craziness of the last few weeks Bucky decided to move to a different apartment in Brooklyn in an attempt to give his former friend, Shane some space. He was one of the many people who lost a loved one to the winter solider.

"I can take it from here. Thanks for the help. Wanna grab some lunch before you have to leave?" Bucky said shaking Sam's hand. Sam nodded, but his expression was hesitant, like he didn't know if he should bring up a difficult subject. After a few moments of contemplation, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"There is a house a few miles from Sarah's, the owners are taking renters- "

"No. I appreciate the concern but staying here helps me remember. But I will visit those kids as often as I can." Sam nodded looking resigned.

"Come on! Let's grab lunch. Where do you want to go?" Bucky asked trying to cheer him up.

"We should go to the Indian place down the street!"

"I have never had Indian food."

"WHAT?! Now that's a crime. We need to go, now! Come on. Chop chop." Bucky allowed himself a small smile.

The year started in the worst possible way, realizing that half the world was dead for five years, being in another war, fighting for the very existence of the human race, and finally losing his best friend. But now, he was exempt from punishment for the crimes of the Winter solider, he no longer had the HYDRA programming in his head, he was fighting the good fight, finding his place in the world and now he had a friend looking out for him.

After Sam left to catch his flight, Bucky came back to his apartment and looked around. He felt a sense of loss when he thought of his old apartment. Even though it wasn't as big or nice as this one, it was his home for nearly a year. He shook his head and let out a sigh. There was no point in thinking about what could've been.

He picked up the bedside table and started the long process of unpacking and cleaning. As tedious as it was, it helped to do something so mundane and normal. He spent the rest of the day moving his furniture around to keep himself busy. When he opened the last box, he was surprised to see a little backpack with stickers on it. He opened it curiously to find two cards from Sam's nephews thanking him playing with them and asking him to visit again.

He chuckled and felt a warm feeling spread over him. He gently placed the two cards on his bedside table along with a photo of himself and Steve. When he went to bed that night, it was the first time in a long time that his mind wasn't plagued by nightmares.

Over the next few days, he eased seamlessly into a routine. He would wake up every morning at 4am; it was out of habit more than anything. He would lay there on his bed hoping sleep would find him again but eventually give up after an hour and get dressed to go for a run.

He spent the morning running around the neighborhood looking at the different apartment buildings, a pretty park nearby and the restaurants along the way. He even found a book store and a little library. He enjoyed the fresh air, the solitude and the burn he felt as he pushed himself faster. The streets were almost deserted this early in the morning. But as the sun rose and the sky got lighter, he saw more and more people come out of their homes for a morning walk or run. He would get a few curious looks for his dressing choice- a long sleeved jacket and gloves- but it didn't bother him. And finally at 9 in the morning he would rush back home, take a quick shower, and have breakfast at a charming breakfast café down the street.

It was on one such morning, just that he was prepared to take his morning shower, he noticed a woman on the third landing wrestling with two large grocery bags.

"Excuse me, miss? Do you need any help?"

The woman turned around looking relieved. She was wearing a flowy white tank top with spaghetti straps and jean shorts. Her black hair was wavy and cut to her chin. Her eyes were beautiful dark chocolate colour, in contrast to her light skin.

"Yes please" she sighed out.

She handed over one of the bags, and as she started climbing up the stairs, Bucky reached over and effortlessly took the other from hand. Her initial protests died down when she noticed him carrying the bag as if they were filled with cotton and not a week's worth of food and toiletries. Shooting him a bemused look, she said "When did you dye your hair, Thor?"

Bucky chuckled "Where is your apartment?"

"Fourth floor. I would have used the elevator, but it's currently under maintenance."

"That's my floor. Do you, by any chance, live in apartment 4A?"

"Yeah, I was away to meet a friend. Came back just this morning."

"I thought the apartment was empty."

"Are you new to the building?"

"Yes, I moved in a week ago. I live in 4D."

"Hey! We live right across the hall from each other!"

"That we do." Bucky replied smiling as he waited for her to open her front door.

"I am Brooke." She said giving him a warm smile as she pushed her door open.

"James." He said as he deposited the bags in the doorway and extended his hand, not willing to say Bucky, a name that was connected to his past.

"Thank you so much James. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." She replied her smile intact, as she shook his hand "Welcome to the building."

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