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He was back at the café sitting in his usual seat, the one farthest from the counter. Genevieve was behind the counter in her apron looking as beautiful as ever. The light from the window bounced off the glass lid over the blueberry muffins casting a rainbow across her face. He made a conscious effort to look at the flowers on the table or the cars and people flitting past the big windows, anything but her. But no matter how hard he tried, he found his gaze drifting towards her again.

Her hair was in a high ponytail tied back with a pink ribbon, it's ends blending in with her blond hair, making it look like she had a streak of pink hair. She was wearing light pink lipstick today. She looked gorgeous but different from the first time her saw her, her features looked softer and gentler.

He looked at her as she smiled at the customers, wishing them a good morning and asking them how they were doing. He wanted to be able to talk to her like the other customers did, casually without making a fool of themselves.

The last few days he came in, she greeted him cheerfully but he would get so tongue-tied he could barely place his order let alone make small talk.

While part of him felt it was best if he never spoke to her again to protect himself, that part was growing smaller and quieter every day. So, he ate his breakfast as slowly as possible, trying to gather the courage to talk to her. A few minutes later she gave him a warm smile as she walked past him and his courage deserted him. He abandoned the rest of the meal and got out of there as quickly as possible. Eventually his footsteps slowed and a smile tugged his lips as he remembered her smile, one that he let himself believe was reserved just for him.

"Why do you look like that?"

Bucky looked up, startled to see Brooke waiting for the elevator at their apartment. She was dressed for work, white shirt and formal black pants with black heels. Her signature black wavy hair framed her face and she was carrying a briefcase in one hand. She held herself differently, her back straight, posture oozing cool confidence. Her every step was measured and purposeful. It was easy to guess she was in her "professional mode".

"You're leaving for work early?" He asked automatically.

"Yes. Now answer the question." She said, her tone clear and direct.

"What do I look like?" He said defensively.

She studied his face intently "Cheerful."

"I can be cheerful."

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Hey! I will have you know, plenty of people have said that I am a ray of sunshine." He retorted jokingly.

She crossed her arms "Yeah? What people?"

"You know, people." He said haltingly.

"James, I have known you for over a month now and I have never seen you cheerful. You came pretty close once but that was it."

"Preposterous." He declared. He put on an expression of mock outrage but secretly he was pleased to have successfully changed the subject.

Brooke tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. He shifted uncomfortably. Apparently, she couldn't be easily distracted. He considered shouting 'Look! Shiny!' and running away when she wasn't looking. A few moments later her expression cleared.

"What's the girl's name?" She smirked.

"Nothing! I mean no one! I mean-" He forced out a breathy laugh "-What?" He backed away. He felt like he was being interrogated.

Her smirk widened "Fine, have it your way. But when you come to me for help, I want all the details." She stepped into the elevator.


"You'll know what I mean." She answered simply as the elevator doors closed.

He continued to stare at the closed doors for few minutes before going back to his apartment.

Did he need her help?

I mean sure, he was having some trouble talking to Genevieve right now but it'll blow over right? Even if it didn't it's okay, because she was practically a stranger. Why was he so intent on wanting to talk to her, get to know her?

He sighed. That was a stupid question. 

To be perfectly honest maybe it was best this way. He already had one friend he was hiding from, no reason to make it two. And he really lucked out with Brooke, she was respectful and sweet and she seemed to understand him in a way he couldn't comprehend. Besides, what if he somehow found a way to talk to Genevieve and ended up falling for her? That would just be torture.

The only solution to solve this problem was to stop going to the café.

He plopped down on his couch and ran his hand over his face knowing it was the one thing he couldn't bring himself to do.

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