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Establishing a routine with her was the easiest thing Bucky had ever done and Brooke seemed to genuinely enjoy his company. They set out to the park together every morning, walking in comfortable silence, they would enjoy the sunrise together, then Bucky would go for a run around the park as Brooke practiced yoga by the pond. And as they walked back home, they would talk about simple, easy topics. Being friends with her was as natural as breathing, effortless and uncomplicated.

Over the next few weeks, Bucky started to learn more about Brooke, like she her love for reading and singing. Although Bucky had yet to hear her sing, most of their conversations revolved around books they enjoyed and their thoughts on effective storytelling.

"I actually don't mind a predictable story line as long as they make it interesting. But my favourite books, the ones I remember when people ask for recommendations are the ones that are unpredictable and have twists."

"I see where you're coming from, but I need the story to be different and unpredictable to keep my attention. That's why I don't read romantic books."

She laughed at that "You're not wrong. Most of them are predictable. But I don't read a lot of romantic books."

"Why is that?"

"I love a good romance don't get me wrong, but I like it best when the characters fall in love in a fantasy book. I like it when it is an element in a layered book but I can't read one entirely focused on their relationship."

"So, what's your favourite book couple?"

She looked at him hesitantly "You cannot make fun." She warned him.

"I won't." he promised even though he was fighting back a smile.

"Percy and Annabeth from Percy Jackson."

"Why would I make fun? They are amazing together."

"You have read the books?"

"Of course. I have a lot of free time on my hands."

"Lucky you. You get to read all day long." She said pouting.

He couldn't help laughing at her expression. He recently noticed that he has been laughing and smiling a lot more than usual and it came more naturally.

"Alright, enough laughing at my expense. Your turn."

"Don't really have a favourite couple."

"In that case, I have a book recommendation." She paused dramatically

"What is it?"

"It's a romance book." She said with a sly smile

"Nope, not going to happen."

"Come on. Do it for me and I'll read something you recommend. I promise." She said, widening her eyes to make herself look innocent.

"That's more like it." He said before going silent, wracking his brain for a good book.

"I got it. Read 'The Book Thief' and I'll read-"

"The Fault in Our Stars"

"The Fault in Ou- kind of dark, isn't it?"

"It may or may not make you cry like a baby." She answered shrugging casually.

"Can't wait." He said, his voice dry "You read the 'The Book Thief' and I'll read 'The Fault in Our Stars'. I should tell you; I don't have a copy of 'The Book Thief'."

"That's fine, I have a membership at that library down the street. I do have 'The Fault in Our Stars' though. I could give it to you right now. Come with me."

By then, they had reached their floor and Brooke started to unlock her front door. Bucky shifted uncomfortable. 

"I'll wait outside."

She looked a little surprised but didn't press. "Okay, sure."

She reappeared a few minutes later holding a battered looking book.

"Take good care of it."

"Yes ma'am."

He turned to leave when she stopped him.

"James are you still eating at that breakfast café?"


"You must be getting sick of it."

He shrugged in response. Truth be told, he really was. To be fair, he tried cooking a few days ago but it was such a nightmare, he promised himself he wouldn't do it again.

"Why don't you come over after your shower? We'll have breakfast together."

"Don't you have to get to work?"

"It's only six fifteen, I still have a few hours."

Bucky didn't know what to say, on the one hand he really wanted to say yes, it would be nice to have company at breakfast. But on the other hand, he didn't want to seem like a puppy that constantly needed her attention and help. Almost as if Brooke had read his mind she said,

"It's kind of self-serving really, I am sick of eating breakfast alone."



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