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Bucky's fingers hovered over the keyboard as he stared at the blinking cursor on the search bar.

Just do it, he told himself.

His left index finger came to rest on the letter R on the keyboard but he couldn't bring himself to press it. He took a deep breath in, counted to 10 and let it out.

He tapped his foot getting impatient with himself.

Damn it Barnes, pull yourself together.

He let out a frustrated breath and finally gave up. He shut down the computer and got ready to leave.

"Doing okay son?" asked the Ken the librarian.

This is where Bucky spent most of his time. Pouring over books about history, technology, advanced medicine and even physics.

Ken the librarian was a 50 something year old man with greying hair, a spring in his step and a twinkle in his eye who often helped him find the right books, like a guide, helping him adjust to the future. It also helped that he didn't ask questions. He was always more than happy to help him.

"Never better." Bucky forced a grin.

"You see son, you need to actually press the keys on the keyboard for the letters to appear on screen." He said playfully.

Bucky rolled his eyes "Thanks for the lesson."

"What are kind librarians here for? Now, are you returning the book you borrowed? It's due today."

"Right, I have it here."

They walked over to the counter together. Ken got behind the counter and took the book from him using the barcode reader to scan the barcode on the book.

"Borrowing another book?" He asked without looking up.

"Not today." He answered.

"Hey, it's James, right?" said a soft voice behind him.

He whipped his head around to see, of all people, Genevieve. She was dressed in a black T-shirt and some casual jeans. Her hair was not tied back as it usually was, instead it flowed down, a blond waterfall past her mid back. The shorter stands fell on either side of her face, brushing her cheeks. Her face was devoid of any make-up. She looked like a dream and suddenly Bucky couldn't find his tongue.

"I'm Genevieve, from the café." She made it sound like a question. Probably because Bucky was staring at her looking dumbstruck.

Ken cleared his throat loudly from behind him.

Bucky straightened up quickly clearing his own throat. "Hi. Yeah, I remember. I didn't think you would be here."

She raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I mean- I just- um, I didn't expect to see to here." He sputtered. His face was starting to warm up.


Thankfully she smiled slightly "Yeah, I don't come here a lot. Believe it or not, the silence does not help me study. But I needed a change of scenery." She gestured her backpack "What about you?"

"I love the silence. I come here a lot to read." He shrugged.

"Oh? What do you like to read?"

"Everything from history to modern science to fiction."

"Wow, never thought someone's interests could be so diverse." She gave him a shy smile, flashing her dimples.

His cheeks started to warm up again. He noticed how her eyelashes brushed her cheeks when she looked down. "So, you came here to study?"

"Yeah, I have an exam in two weeks and I have fallen behind."

"Two weeks? I would say you have a head start." The words were out before he could think about it. An old personality, reignited. But he decided he might as well go with it and smirked at her.

She laughed softly; her eyes sparkling and Bucky's heart soared knowing he did something right.

"Speaking of which, I should get going. I'll see you around?" She placed her hand gently on his arm and Bucky's breathe caught in his throat. He suddenly became very aware of their proximity. He resisted the urge to look at her hand, sucking in a deep breath and forcing a smile.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

He watched her walk away, her hair swinging behind her. Right as she turned a corner, she looked at him and gave him one last smile and Bucky felt a faint fluttering in his chest, a vaguely familiar feeling. Like a dream he couldn't quite remember. He shook out his hand in an attempt to rid himself of the residual nervousness from the unexpected encounter.

Ken cleared his throat again. Bucky turned to him and raised his eyebrows in silent question. Ken lifted a shoulder in a gesture that clearly meant, 'Not bad.'

He nodded at him exited the library, looking for a place to eat. He would never admit it if he was asked but there was a definite spring in his step. 

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