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"Are you open?"

Bucky enquired looking at the empty café and the lone waitress sitting behind the counter with a book in her hands. It was a very pretty café, with booths and wooden tables by the window. The counter displayed all sorts of goodies like muffins and cookies. An overhead board displayed the menu for the day. The smell of the fresh food and coffee made it homey and welcoming. 

"Yes." She answered jumping up from her stool and straightening her apron. "Sorry, we rarely get customers this early in the morning." She explained looking at her watch. She was a beautiful woman with long blond hair tied back in an elegant twist, a touch of red lipstick and warm smile that revealed two dimples making Bucky's heart skip a beat. He pushed these thoughts away as quickly as they came.

"What can I get you?" she said, still smiling warmly.

"What would you recommend?"

"The chocolate chop pancakes are very popular, but my favourite is the blueberry pancakes."

"Blueberry pancakes it is."

"Anything else?"

"Coffee with milk and creamer."

"Alright! Why don't you grab a seat and I'll bring over your order in 10 minutes."

Bucky smiled and glanced at the book on the counter. The cover told him it was a copy of "Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight. It's for college." she told him.

"What are you studying?"

"BS chemistry in Brooklyn College."

She seemed to have mistaken her silence for an unspoken question as she started to explain.

"I couldn't go to college due to some circumstances."

"You must be very passionate."

"I am. I want to go into research." she extending her hand "I am Genevieve by the way."

"James" he said shaking her hand.

"So, James you live nearby?"

"Yeah, about two blocks from here. Moved in about a month ago."

"I am glad you found this place."

"Yeah, a friend recommended it."

They looked at each other for a long second.

"Where are you originally from James?" she asked as they both looked away.

"Here, but I moved around a lot until last year. What about you?" He replied looking down to avoid eye contact. Afraid that if he looked at her face he would start staring again.

"Chicago. Have you ever been there?"

"A long time ago, I think. I barely remember it." He answered, a faraway look in his eyes.

"It's my favourite place in the world. My family still lives there."

"You visit them often?"

"Not as often as I would like. What about you?"

"I don't have anyone." He said but he was thinking of Sam and Sarah and her adorable kids.

"I am sorry to hear that." She said sincerely.

"It was a long time ago." He told her. Truth be told, he didn't remember his original family. Just blurry images in his head. "So, do you prepare the food fresh here?"

"Me? No. If I cook, no one can eat it." She chuckled. "The owners are in the kitchen, lovely couple. They do the cooking."

"Yeah, I can't cook either. My friend tried to teach me yesterday. It was a disaster."

She laughed softly "Yeah the only think I trust myself to make is toast." She joked and Bucky chuckled appreciatively. He looked up and felt a vaguely familiar tug at the pit of his stomach, like a million butterflies were suffocating him.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." Bucky said attempting to end the conversation before he said something stupid, like a pick-up line from the 40s.

"You too."

She smiled again and Bucky felt his stomach do somersaults. He smiled back and walked backwards awkwardly bumping onto the nearby table.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed steadying the table before taking a seat farthest from her. He couldn't believe that after everything he had been through, a girl could make him feel so unbalanced.

Ten minutes later, as promised, Genevieve came over to his table carrying a plate of pancakes in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Bucky stood up to help her, his movement so sudden, he sent his chair toppled to the ground with a loud crash. Genevieve chuckled softly under her breath.

It's just attraction. Nothing else. There is no need to overthink. Just attraction.

But when she smiled and she locked eyes with him right before she walked away, he knew that he will return to the café tomorrow no matter what the food tasted like.

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