1 • Disappearance

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Every year, Akani tries to find children to put into her basement. Usually, she will keep them there for weeks, months even, but there's not much time until she knows they'll go bad. Kidnapping people was Akani's job so she can get the perfect food for her kind. Akani wasn't human, she's a Gex, a monster that feasts on the beloved lives of humans. However, her most famous case, was the case of Dreamer Thea...

"Hey Vivi! Where's Thea?" Pourmera asked

"Honestly I have no Idea, she's been gone for a while" Vivi replied

"Thinking about it, I haven't seen Akani for a while either..." Pourmera says

"Yeah, maybe Zakvuto knows where they are" Vivi tells her

"Hm, should we go ask him?"

"Yes, absolutely, better to get information than none!"

The girls walk to Z4kvut0's house hoping to get answers, the path was not too far because they didn't all live so far away from each other in this universe. Little did the girls know, Thea was coming to her demise and it would all be Akani's fault...

Russian basement kids (the basement is Russian not the kids)Where stories live. Discover now