• Your new home

17 2 0

TW: kidnapping, cannibalism, barely any dialogue

Akani ran hold Z4k as tight as she could. She made sure she couldn't hear him speak, that way no one could suspect a thing about her. Roy did the same with Vivi except he was much more excited about it. He was so happy Akani was gonna give him the boobs he's been waiting for awhile already. He couldn't shut the fuck up about it, so Akani had to keep nudging him so he can stop.

Pourmera was sleeping very peacefully in her bed, not realizing the two were gone. It wasn't until she had an extremely wild dream.

I'm the dream, she visioned Thea getting her body parts sliced and cooked, however, she didn't feel like herself at all. She was stuck to a chair, trying to get out, but watched her own dead body get dragged up the stairs by Roy. She overheard Akani and Roy talk about an "escape" and how they're glad they caught her and Z4k before it was too late.

Pourmera woke up. She was shocked, she swore the dream was real or actually happened. Then, she couldn't see Z4k or Vivi on the beds, she assumed they went downstairs, but they weren't. Pour started to worry. She didn't like how the dream she had correlated to this. Was it like she was trying to get told something perhaps?

Akani and Roy had gotten to the basement and put Vivi and Z4k down


Z4kvut0: Sorry Vivi, I should've not said anything-

Before he can finish, Akani showed the two the body of Thea, shocked, quite obviously, the two broke out in tears, they had nothing else to do other than worry at this point.

Roy: Are they here now?1??1?1?1

Akani: please shut the actual fuck UP!!! The tits will get here when we're officially done.

Roy: And when is that?

Akani: When I say IT IS!

Roy: Ughhh fine I'll wait.

As the two are bickering, Vivi and Z4k are in the corner scared for their dear life. They didn't wanna end up like poor Thea had.

I'm Z4k's house, Pour is alone trying to see why the two disappeared, but she found nothing. She started to get worried. So she got out and went to ask the town for help.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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