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Pourmera and Vivi had arrived at Zakvuto's house after a while. It seemed more dirtier than usual and he seemed more tired than the others. No one really know what had happened, but it definitely drained him mentally.

"Hey Zakvuto, you don't seem so well" Vivi asked

"Oh! No please don't worry it's nothing I swear! I'm just a little, extra tired today you know!" Zakvuto replied in a worried tone

"Come on, you don't need to hide anything from us, just tell us what happened" Pourmera  says to him

"Look, I too you, nothing is wrong, just leave me alone now"

"Okay but look, we have one question, have you seen Thea or Akani lately?" Vivi asked

Zakvuto's eyes went from angry to sad and anxious, as if he knew something about the two. He told Vivi and Pourmera to come in with tears going down his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Vivi asked him


"I don't think he's okay, maybe it's best if we stay silent for now" Pourmera replied to Vivi

"Yeah true, let's try and keep it down"

The two got escorted to a seat. Zakvuto was not feeling good at all, but was willing to tell them what happened with Thea and Akani. However, he decided against it because he knew that if he snitched on her, it would end badly. So he was thinking off the top of his head and suddenly came up with something to tell them...

Russian basement kids (the basement is Russian not the kids)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ