Getting Attached

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In the morning I heard him groan, I opened my eyes and looked at him tiredly. "Morning" he groaned as he stretched his arms to touch my wing. I unwrapped my tail from his waist and removed my wing from above him. He got up and exited the shelter. I got up and followed him. "Tanner? Bud ya in there?" I herd someone call from the other side. "What Tyler?" Tanner yelled. "Come help me herd cows" Tyler yelled. "Okay" Tanner said as he grabbed his hoodie from the shelter and got it on. I turned into my human form. "Can i come?" I asked innocently. He let out a sigh. "Fine.. But if my dad sees you he'll give me shit" he said as he got his phone. I went up to him he looked down at me and starred. "What?" He said softly. "You have green eyes...they're pretty" I said as I looked at the door. "Really?" he said. I looked at him again. "Yes" I replied then I saw the dirty rag that Tanner wanted to use to clean his leg. I let out a growl. I turned into a dragon and shot fire at it. Tanner chuckled. "You really dont like that rag do you?" He asked. I thrummed in approval. I shifted back into a human. I let it burn for a couple seconds then I stepped on it making the fire go out. Then Tanner opened the barn door. "Well Dragon..lets go" he said as he walked out. I ran after him excitedly.

The human world was so cool from the ground. Everything was so new and amazing for me. I saw a calf and I looked at it playfully. It moved and it ran a little but then I came back. it looked at me. "Come on lets go" Tanner said.

As he walked up to a Tractor. He got in it. I walked up to it, It was big for my point of veiw. I was confused on how to get up in it. Tanner sighed and got up and reached out his hand. "Here let me help" he said. I put my foot on one of the steps. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "whoa!" I said as i looked inside. He got my in one of the seats. He started it up and we went into the feild and helped bale. Then Tyler came and got Tanners attention. "Here! We'll switch so you can herd cows and I can bale and- Whoa! Tanners who's the girl?" Tyler yelled as he saw me. He then proceeded to check me out. "Its dragon" he replied. "Dragon? That a wierd name for a girl" Tyler replied. "No its that dragon we saved. I'm just calling her dragon until i name her" he replied. "" Tyler said. "I never really had a name before....Dragon...i like it" I lied, Truth was, my name is Midnight Flame but Dragon is shorter and doesn't take as much breath. "Then your names dragon" Tyler said, then he hopped in the Tractor and went baling.

Tanner got on the quad. He patted the seat behind him and I sat down. "Hold on to my waist" he said as he started the quad. I  grabbed his waist and clung to it. "Hold on we're going fast" he said. Then he handed me a helmet. I put it on and then he drove to the feild and started herding calves. "We're gonna go faster now ok?" He yelled through his helmet. "I love fast!" I yelled back. Then he sped up and I laughed and let one of my hands go from his waist. I touched the air, it reminded me so much of the wind. From when I was flying.

By the time we were done it was about evening, Tanner put the quad back to its place and then he guided me back to the barn. He opened the door a little bit. he gestured for me to go in. i got in, then he took off his hoodie on and gave it to me. "I have to go eat..." he said he was about to close the door when I put my foot in between it. He then turned and looked at me. Then he heard something growl. I immeditaly held my stomach and looked at him in embarrassment. He looked at me sadly. "Are you hungry?!" He said as he looked at me. I nodded shyly. "aww...well what do you like to eat?" He said. i thought for a minute. "Anything thats meat." i replied, "What about human food?" He mumbled starring at me. " guess?" I mumbled in reply. "Ok...ill be back i promise" he said then he closed the barn doors. 

I went and sat in the corner of the shelter and hugged Tanners sweater. Then i herd the barn door open again and i herd him close it and then walk towards the shelter. "Here" he said then he handed me a fork and a plate that had Mashed potatoes, Corn, and lots of Dark turkey meat. Then he crawled in with his plate. Then i slowly started to eat the potatoes. it wasn't that bad actually, then when I was done the potatoes and Corn i saw the meat and i immeditaly went crazy on it. Then i herd Tanner laugh. I looked up at him and he was laughing hard. "Hahahaha oh god you really love meat dont you?" He laughed. Then when he was done he went to go get another peice of his turkey when he looked down. "Oh...i ran out" he mumbled. I put a piece on my turkey on his plate. "wha- no thats yours.. Ill just eat the rest of my dinner" he mumbled. then i came closer. he looked up and then picked it up with his fork and ate a part of it. He smiled at me softly. "Thanks" he said he then finished his meal and I did too, When he was done he grabbed both plates and went inside. Then when he was gone I lit myself a fire and looked at it. Then the barn doors opened to reveal Tanner, "Hey" he mumbled. He groaned as he sat down on the square bale. "Its 11:30" Tanner said as he grabbed some wood and plopped it down into the fire. I walked behind him and rested my head on his head. He leaned up and grabbed my arms and made them rest on his chest. then he held on to my wrists. I closed my eyes for a couple seconds. Then Tanner let go of my wrists and my eyes opened. "Here" then i lifted my head and got up and went to open the barn doors. "You're going to need some blankets and pillows for your shelter you have there" he said. Then he went then a few minutes later he returned with four pillows and Tyler carrying 4 blankets. "Hey dragon" Tyler said as he walked in. "Hello" I said happily. Tanner put the Pillows on the ground. "Here, you can set it up yourself, I'll get you some matress foam for your bed" Tanner said as he left. "So you can turn into a human?" Tyler asked. "Yup its pretty cool but i dont turn unless I want to land on the ground" i replied. "That's cool...So do you have a name?" Tyler asked sitting down on the ground my the fire. "No..but Tanner calls me I think my names dragon." I lied. Then I noticed Tyler trying to keep the fire going. I turned into a dragon and shot at the fire. making the blaze come back. "thanks" Tyler mumbled. I turned back, "No worries its all good" I said as I got one of the square bales and set it down on another and then hopping on it.

 Tanner came back with the foam. "Sorry i took so long, Dad asked me what I was going to do with this. I said I was going to make a matress body pillow" he said as he set it down. I turned into a dragon and grabbed the foam and pulled it into my shelter backwards. Then, when I got that all ready. Then I got two blankets to make a bed sheet then I got the pillows and set them there and then used one blanket for sleeping and folded one for a extra. I came back out to see Tyler had left. I was in my dragon form so I went and sat beside Tanner. He got up and looked at my wing. "About in a week it should be healed and then you can....go" he said sadly. I thrummed sadly. I dont want to leave...I like it here...i like being with him. Then he got up and took off his hoodie. "Here" he said handing it to me. I bent down and grabbed it with my mouth. And put it in the shelter. I went and sat on the bed. "Well I'm going to bed...goodnight Dragon" Tanner said getting up and going to the Barn door. I went up behind him and nuzzled him. He turned around and i looked at him sadly. "No..i need to go in the house to sleep..if i keep sleeping here Dad will get suspisious..." he said softly. He went to go out and I attempted to follow him. "No...go to sleep Dragon..please" he whispered pushing my head in the barn. I thrummed quietly. I then turn and went inside my shelter. "goodnight Dragon...sleep well" Tanner said as he closed the barn door. I stayed up most of the night. When I fell asleep..I was lonely and sad.

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