Mine forever (The weddding)

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Today was the big day! I, Dragon was soon going to be married to Tanner J. Baliac (bal-lee-ac) Maria got us to the dress shop where we picked up my beautiful white and purple dress. Our wedding was going to be a white and purple wedding. it was going to be held outdoors. I got into my dress and then i got my head crown thing on (Maria kept telling me it and i keep forgetting it) then we got to the church and made sure everything was perfect. Then Alex came along with Elliot and Tyler. "you look nice dragon" Tyler complimented. "thanks you look good to" i replied. then i leaned closer. "have you seen what Tanner was wearing yet?" I whispred. "No! Your not allowed to see him" Tyler said. "awww" i said as i put my head down.

A/N: ok for once..imma do tanners POVs just for this chapter then it's going to continue being Dragons pov
-later to when the wedding begins-

Tanners pov

I was so nervous! What if i mess up! What if i say something that i wasnt suppose to?! Ok ok Tanner calm down.. Breath. "Ready bud?" Tyler asked. i looked at him. "i-i think so" i replied. "then lets go" then i stood at the archway of the wedding. everyone began to come. they greeted me and such. then The music started. it was on a piano. First the brides maids came. Maria and her sister. then the flower girl..Alex. she looked so cute in her white dress. then came Elliot with the rings. he stood on the side till Dragon arrived. Then Tyler came. He was my best man. "Drag asked what you were wearing i said she couldn't see until later" Tyler murmured to me. i smiled softly. then i looked over and there was dragon walking down the asle. she looked so amazing in her dress. she took my breath away. She approached me and stood accoss from me. she then handed her flowers to Alex who gladly took them. "we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Dragon and Tanner" the priest began. "If anyone doesnt wish for them to get married. Speak now or forever hold your peace...(1 min later) now, Tanner and Dragon will now say their vows" the priest then gestured to me. i looked at dragon and held her hands tightly. Then i pulled out a peice of paper out. "Dragon, I've loved you since i first saw you. You took my breath away. when I had to let you go it was heartbreaking for me, i wanted to stay with you forever. Dragon i vow to protect you will all my heart and i vow, to love you and cherish you every single day for the rest of Etirnity. when your cold I'll keep you warm and when your sick I'll stay by your side until your well again. Your my heartbeat. Without you i cant sleep, i cant think straight. i wont let anything hurt you. ever" then i looked at her and she was smiling at me with her beautiful eyes. "now dragon" the priest said. Then she pulled out a peice of paper. "Tanner, i vow to stay by you and protect you from anything that wants to bring harm to you, i know i left you in the past. I'm here now to make up for that time. I love you more then words can discribe. i vow to love you until my last breath. and whatever you have to go through you dont have to face it alone. i vow to keep you happy until the end of time" she finished and i had to wipe a couple tears from my eyes. the Priest turned to me. "Tanner, do you promise to love and to cherish Dragon everyday through sickness and in Health? To make her smile when shes sad? To stay by her side and protect her from all of her fears and nightmares?" He asked. i turned and looked at dragon. "i do" i said as i looked at her straight in the eyes. he then turned to her. "Dragon, do you promise to stay with Tanner through the good and the bad? Through sickness and in health? To stay by him and support him through everything? To stay by him and love him unconditionally?" He asked her. she looked at me and squeezed my hands. "i do" she said. i felt tears brim my eyes. I let go of one of her hands and wiped my eyes "then by the power vested in me. i pronounce you husband an wife! You may now kiss the bride" he announced. Me and dragon leaned together and gave eachother a nice passionate kiss. i then picked her up bridal style and ran through the path with everyone cheering and blessing us. we reached the two doors that lead us into the ball room. everyone took pictures of us. i put dragon down and she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. we were both smiling and laughing. she leaned over and kissed me which i gladly kissed back. "now you gotta throw the flowers" i said to her. she gasped. "no! I like them!" She argued. "I'll buy you more, i promise" i replied. she sighed. "okay😔" she said. then she turned around and thew then. Maria shoved all the girls and then she grabbed the flowers. She then Ran to Tyler and age him a huge kiss. "eew" Elliot and Alex said in usion. "Ha" dragon said as she linked her arm with me. i took her to the truck. i helped her in the passenger seat and then i walked around and climbed to the other side. "Tanner" Dragon said as she tucked her dress in more. "yeah" i said as i put the key in the engine thingy. then i looked at her. she grabbed my tie and pulled me closer to her. "I love you" she whispered. "love you too" i said as i leaned in and kissed her. "i love you so much and im so glad that I get to be with you for the rest of eternity" i said as we parted. "i love you too" she said as she fixed me tie. i sat back and started the truck. We drove to a hotel. Dragon looked at me. "what are we doing here?" She asked me. "i got us a suite for 1 week" i replied. She was like "One week! You mean 7 days 6 nights?!"She yelled. "Yup" i replied wit a smile. She covered her mouth and the hugged me tight. "Awww" she yelled. "haha" i laughed. then i hopped out and then walked to the other side and helped her out of the truck. "thank you" she said as she pulled out the rest of her dress. "m'lady" i said as i held out my hand. she took and and i led her out to the hotel. i got us our hotel room and took us to our suite. she looked around in amaze. "its amazing!" She said i awe. i smiled. "your welcome" i said softly. she looked at me and smiled. "thank you so much!" She said as she ran and hugged me. i hugged her back tightly. Then we had a knock on the door, i opened it and it was Tyler with our stuff. "Thanks bud" i said as i got our suitcases and bags. "Yup" he said then dragon said something i thought was pretty cool. "why dont we go and set up for tonight?" She asked. "yeah that would be nice" Maria said. then we all went back to the ball room. we bagan to set up white and purple streamers and balloons but as soon as one was set up dragon let out a shriek. "whats wrong?!" I yelled as i ran to her. she whimpered. "th-they scare me" she said as she buried her face into my chest. "whats scaring you?" I cooed. then she pointed at the balloons. "shh it's ok how about if we put them in the entrance?" I asked she nodded. Then we finished setting up and the part began.

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