Back To The Square One

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Thece swiftly made his exit, no longer concealed, having freed all those who were detained. Presently, numerous soldiers and hunters found themselves under attack. Yet, this chaos served as a smokescreen for his escape. Teleporting multiple times, he navigated through the turmoil until he reached the colossal gate. However, his presence had become inconsequential; attention now focused on the relentless assault by ferocious creatures. Thece wore a subtle smile, as if relishing a measure of revenge against those hunters.

The young man gazed fixedly at the gate, a genuine joy swelling in his chest. He envisioned reuniting with the twins, Phio and Nilli, spending more time together, imparting essential lessons on survival, combat, and life. Though Thece knew that one day he might have to entrust them to someone else, he still had trustworthy contacts. Yet, all that planning faded in that moment. He yearned to find the boys alive and offer a thousand apologies for leaving them, realizing the pain it caused rivaled that of departing his family's home, even in the absence of his deceased parents and brother. Thece was almost there, unable to teleport across vast distances consistently, forcing him to run intermittently. However, something unexpected unfolded.

A initial jolt of immense pain surged through Thece's calf. Despite having experienced considerable pain from weapon-inflicted injuries in his life, it always stung as though it were the first time he'd been hurt. Collapsing to the ground, whatever had struck him likely targeted his tendon, causing him to lose balance. Fury welled within Thece; after all, what kind of human hunter would dare to confront him under such conditions? Humans, indeed, proved as irritating as mosquitoes and wielded a comparable level of danger. Seated on the ground, as he reached for his calf, he realized it wasn't a sword that had hit him but an arrow.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed, the pain coursing through him. Swiftly yanking the arrow from his calf, he prepared to confront the human responsible for his disturbance. However, a realization flashed through his mind – the remarkable accuracy of this human, hitting him in motion. Calineths typically possessed a sixth sense for when they were being targeted, especially by humans who were far from discreet. Before he could fully process this revelation and look ahead, he was taken by surprise, receiving a kick to his face and having his chest pressed down by a boot.

"Sorry, but if I didn't do this, you'd never stop to listen to me!" spoke the creature pressing on his chest, aiming an arrow directly at his head. It was a Caimmoth, bearing a striking resemblance to the one Thece had encountered at the bar – in fact, they all looked the same with their white hair and arrogant demeanor. Despite her actions, the girl seemed genuinely regretful about hitting him so forcefully. However, Thece couldn't shake his anger toward her; after all, it was neither the time nor the place for such an act.

"I'll break free, and once I do, I'll kill you. So why not spare your life and let me go?" threatened Thece, but the girl merely wore a cynical smile and pulled the arrow on her bow even farther back, causing Thece to swallow hard. She knew that in this situation, Thece had no chance of escape. Caimmoths were archery experts, and no one could evade a precise shot from them. Yet, bluffing was a tactic of Thece's; many feared his bluffs, even if they weren't necessarily truths.

"Do not make me laugh; truly, I harbor no intention of causing harm or anything of the sort. I simply wish to pose a straightforward question and then release you," spoke the girl with hair and skin as luminous as the moon itself, casting its glow upon the darkened sky of that night. Thece could assert, based solely on her demeanor, that the girl lacked the voice or demeanor of an assassin. Even if he harbored an unwillingness to divulge information, he couldn't afford to take risks, particularly when it came to returning to the twins."

"Very well, ask your questions," Thece shrugged, and the girl responded with a sidelong smile. At first glance, her eyes appeared blue, but depending on the lighting, they shifted to violet or even red.

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