Act 1

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"The unconscious is not a demoniacal monster, but a natural entity which, as far as moral sense, aesthetic taste, and intellectual judgment go, is completely neutral. It only becomes dangerous when our conscious attitude to it is hopelessly wrong. To the degree that we repress it, its danger increases. But the moment the patient begins to assimilate contents that were previously unconscious, its danger diminishes. The dissociation of personality, the anxious division of the day-time and the night-time sides of the psyche, cease with progressive assimilation."
-C.G. Jung,

Cast of Characters

JUDAS: A sad demon, wears lace lingerie.

SIMON: A dreamer in search for answers.

Trigger Warning: depictions of sex/violence and strong language

Gender should never affect casting.

Scene 1
(SIMON (16) Stares mindlessly off into the audience. The sound of church bells can be heard and the hustle of churchgoers finding their seats. Buzzing echo's as it simulates the sensation of dissociating, and the muffled sound of what could be the Pastor is heard in the background. Simon continues to stare blankly.)

I don't love him
I promise I don't love him
I've never loved him!
I don't love him
I promise I don't love him
I've never loved him!
I don't love him
I promise I don't love him
I've never loved him!

(The sound of a small horn can be heard. Blackout.)

Scene 2
(Dark enchanting instrumental music begins, setting the tone of the play.
SIMON lays backward on their bed, surrounded by eerie shadows cast from normal bedroom objects. Simon's eyes face the ceiling as JUDAS enters from the closet, distinguished by their horns covering the body
They are dressed in a black lace material draped neatly across their body. Judas crawls upon the bed, sitting on top of Simon's stomach.) 

(A small horn is blown)

(Sleepily yawning)
Wait, what, where am I?

You've been caught in between a dream and this web I call home!

Must be why I'm paralyzed, or is that just because you are sitting on my stomach?

Silence mortal! I don't appreciate the sass! You shall call me Iscariot the destroyer!

Ok, if that's what you prefer...

Haven't I at least startled you?

Uh, not really, mostly I'm just having a hard time breathing to be honest...
So why are you still on my stomach?

I'm a demon, it's part of the whole
(hand gestures)
"Spectacle"... I thought?

Does the "spectacle" usually last this long?

I am terror, I am dread, I am a sleep paralysis demon!
(Imitates a demon voice)
I visit people in their sleep and crawl up onto their bed, slowly finding my way into your waking dreams!

Yeah, that much was obvious...

(Judas gets off of Simon's stomach)

Wait, you've already heard of sleep paralysis' before?

(Still unfazed)
Yep... I get it almost every Sunday from trying to stay awake during church service. Not too surprised.

Oh, damn... Well, aren't you even a little bit scared?

Do you want me to be?

YES! I'm supposed to frighten you!

(Yawns again)
Oh, my bad...
(Imitates a pathetic frightened voice)

Now you're just making a mockery of me... I'm here to awaken you with your deepest inner fears, not bore you back to sleep! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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