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By the morning, I woke myself up and reached over to give Ace a warm happy birthday but he wasn't there.

No one was here. I quickly made my way up and examined the house, still in my lingerie set from yesterday. I even threw open Vin's door and Marcus's but nothing. There was no one. No guards, no Ace, not even Marcus. It was pissing me off, I couldn't even contact them because they took my phone and left it.

That was until the door open with two guards wearing a ski mask and an all black suit like usual, and I smiled before I waved at them. "Hey, I was getting worried that I was gonna be here alone. Can you tell me where Ace is?"

All I heard was a laugh from one of them. "He's around. But is this that you're wearing?" The shoes walking towards me, made me panic. I slowly backed up, but into another guard. Then it happened.

I was blindfolded, and thrown over someone's shoulder. I started screaming, throwing my hands around but they were quickly handcuffed to each other. "Ace..please!" I shouted as loud as I could, before they shoved me inside a car and inserted a needle in my neck.

"He can't protect you, my love. You're home now." Was all I heard until I passed out. Blacking out on someone's lap with my hands handcuffed infront of me.


After the meeting I had with my guards and Vin, we were determined to protect Izella and my family. My phone started going off, I looked at Vin confused because it was our father. He never calls.


"They found the safe house." Was all he said. Then I heard it. The heart wrenching scream I never wanted to hear in my entire life. I knew it was her. Her screaming my name. Her screaming bloody murder.

I quickly ran up the stairs with Vin, slowly taking my gun out from my waistband before I started searching the house. I went inside our room, seeing the note she had next to a glass of wine.

"Happy birthday, can't wait for you to eat the CAKE I have for you. ;)" it made my heart drop. She even knew my birthday. My beautiful, angel. Was taken.

"Search the premises now." Vin ordered, sending the guards away. He put his hand on my back and rubbed it softly. "Let's go, we need to find her before something happens to her." Vin said by his ear.

"She was wearing lingerie. I went shopping with her so she can pick it out for you and she waited all night for you. I don't want anything happening. So we need to get searching quick." Marcus said, making my head and Vins turn around in a rush. He was leaning against the doorframe, looking with a slight sad face.

"How did they even know we were here, I have her phone left back in New York, at the house." Vin implied before sitting on the bed and sitting with his legs man-spread and his hand behind him. "I can't understand it either. But whatever the case is, we need to get her before something serious happens. She's not even wearing proper clothes." Marcus whispered, low enough just for us to hear.

But I stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say. She was gone. She was taken from my hands and I wasn't able to protect her from them. They took one lady I loved from me. I wasn't going to let them take her life.

If I have to die to save her, I'll risk everything.

"Hey, look at this." Marcus shouted from the security room. It didn't take long until Vin and I ran over there, looking at what his index finger was pointing at. "The license plate, tell the guards to search for this license plate, I guess they didn't see our hidden cameras because the one's visible are covered."

"Wait replay that." Vin said before Marcus nodded and did as he was told, then there he was. Zander lifted his ski mask up, enough to show his mouth. He stuck his tongue out, then smiled after before the camera became black.

"He's not getting away with it. Once she's back home, I'm killing him and the entire Santo's family." I made sure my voice was firm, so they understood.

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